############### > Build 2007 - final release...... 19.12.2002 Versions: Some options have been assigned to free, trial, full and root versions. Please see the website for all details. From now on MyNews can be also purchased. So if you like it - support me (and its further development) by getting it ! Starting downloads: If a host is already queued for a job then the old job is not overwritten. This prevents mainly running async XOVERs from being dropped. The logfile shows: "Download skipped for (host). Still active (#-#)"... in this cases. The behavior that all hosts are queued for download even if the download file is already completely known cannot be fixed. This is necessary to determine if there are any hosts available for downloading at all... So it stays this way for now. BugFix: Root-Servers: The icon-followups are now removed again after creating the followup-msg. Event "Winsock error in RECV (10054)" has been replaced by the log-entry: "(#) Connection resetted (10054)". This is a frequent message if the other side cuts a connection and needs no further attention... Event "tree7 was still open (filename-check) is now just a log-entry. BugFix: Xover: "10 lines marked as a block" --> 11 lines. Counted wrongly. Fixed. Display: JPEG-Errors If the internal JPEG viewer cant display a JPEG picture then it issues now more detailled in in the XOVER status line. Most of the formerly shown red events are now yellow warnings (in the Log). BugFix: "Skip To Unread" did not stop at "ignored" (and expired) msgs. This causes confusion because MyNEws still indicates "unread msgs" - but they cannot be found. Now "Skip to unread" is also stooping at ignored msgs. Groups-Window: Stats: Text Change: Shared Bytes --> Shared MBytes: 120.456 are 120 shared MegaBytes ############# > 19.12.2002 Anonynmous users without registered name: an-#######@@ ===>> zzz-#######@@ This permits easier identification of this type of hosts. BugFix: Async Xover downlaod from other MyNews: AnalyseXover did det the host to IDLE even if there were still XOVERs to fetch from that host. This resulted in open GRP files - and a lot of garbage from an idle socket. Fixed now. Hostmode is set to "HDM_XOVER" - this indicates running XOVERs... Verify: Verify - intensive: If an article cannot be opened because the file (or base) disappeared, then the msgid is now set to "expired" - and will disappear with the next expire. Such 'problems' are now 'minor inconsitencies' and already fixed by the verify. Express Setup: Permits now also to enter an own news-server. This might be better for the newbies.... And it would reduce the load on other MyNews hosts. It does not make any sense to download from other MyNews if there is a huge and fast news-server available for the user. Desktop: Groups->Expire & Groups->Repair: Operations on a single newsgroup changes no also the desktop to groups+status+log..... This make it easier to follow the progress.... Bugfix: Deleting a host in the hostlist did repaint the window too late. Now the Host window is repainted before the confirmation appears. Severe Bugfix: The option "Expire deleted headers" did not work properly. It happened sometimes that deleted headers did expire even with this option unchecked. Fixed now. If this option is unchecked, then header-expiry does no longer depend on any of the two "deleted" flags (in the x-head & history tree). ############### > Build 2007 18.12.2002 BugFix: Sending Xover to clients from a huge Xover file requires scanning the entire Xover-file for the start. This did BLOCK MyNews for seconds, sometimes minutes if the XOVERLOC file is very long. Now every 100 lines a check of the MessageLoop is performed. This should avoid this 'total block'.... BugFix: Socket closes unexpectedly during MODE_XOVER: Now the XoverLoc-file is also closed and the buffer is released. This was formerly done only within MODE_FOVER. Now it should be complete. ############# > 18.12.2002 BackSharing: Another connection is only offered if there is not still an open incoming conenction from that host. BugFix: Backsharing works now also with new asyn fetching headers from another MyNews. AnalyseXover starts now either IDLE (& disconnect) or backsharing. Fast Hd: Xover done (for MyNews): Dont use AsIdle - but set directly< to idle. Should NOT make backsharing at this point of time ! Bugfix: Async header download: Did not start automatic download from mynews hosts. Did just create the loadfile - but the fetching of msgs itself was always delayed because MyNews thought that more headers were to come. Now the last XOVER fetch sets the host mode to msg fetch - which then starts also automatic fetching of messages. (This applies only to groups which are marked for full or filtered dld. Groups which are marked as "fetch ehaders only" are not affected).... Bugfix: Async header download: Did not respect a grouplist per Host. Now the grouplist is used again also for async header download. ############## > 17.12.2002 Multiple Connection Security (root-servers): the "flag_no_multi" limits now the number of simultanous connections to this value. So not just 0/1 can be used. If the value to 4, then 4 simultanous connections are permitted. This flag is only for root-server-versions. It is mainly used for public servers and small company servers. Events: "Long line (>1024 chars) in Xover received: No longer event, but now AllDebugDisplay only. Desktop: Large indicators removed. Variable size not nice and not fast ############ > 16.12.2002: Bugfix: Groups -> Show all available articles The progress display did use the counters for the headers, not for the articles. Now this is fixed and the progress indicator should work properly. BugFix: "Show all available articles".... Because the XTREE is now used for crossposted articles it is no longer used for storing special edit information on the article's header list. Just the two flags "KEEP" and "EXPIRED" are displayed on the local article list - and these flags are fetched from the history (msg-tree). (This was also done before - and this is the reason why analysing the article-list is far slower than analysing headers. This is not too bad, because the article-list is seldomly used.). The local msg-id-treefile is no longer updated by actions on the article-list! Severe Bugfix: Expiring an article caused to expire the HEADER line with the same number. This was not important if the header-values were already out of range of the article-numbers. But if the headers and articles had still the same (or similar) numbers then headers were expired which were not designated to expire already. This was the cause why sometimes headers disappeared unexpectedly after an expiry.... Now the expiry of an article does NO LONGER affect the expiry of the headers. If an article did expire, then the XOVER header list will still show it. But it will be grayed (because it is marked as expired in the history (msg-tree). Bugfix: Expiry of headers: HEADERS which were set as KEEP or MARK did not expire - even if the "ignore mark & keep" flag was activated in the data setup. Now such headers are expired. And the MARK flag is no longer used to prevent a message from expiry at all. ################### > 15.12.2002 BugFix: XOVER-UNDO: Shows now progress also on a single multipart line XOVER-Decode: Successfully decoded file is now displayed in the status line.... ################# > 13.12.2002 Bugfix: Resume last autopost does now reset red "U" indicator. (as well as multifeed start does...) Previous version left the indicator red even in case of successful resume. [U]pload Indicator: * Is now 'magenta' if the last upstream failed. * This 'magenta' is overridden by a running upload. (The colour comes back if that upload also fails). * Is now red if "feed-stop" is activated. New "Desktop" Flag: "Show large indicators" The indicators are then much larger and show a full text This is easier for newbies..... [D] and [Guide: Download] If the download was disabled (stopped) then the guided dld dialog box did not offer a chance to re-enable. Now it offers to "enable" the downlaod again. If a download is already running then this is also shown in this dialog. There is a button to stop (gently) the actual download. Error-Detection: Viewing a JPG from a currupt message with illegal characters issues now a red status line. This applies to internal and external viewers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Build 2006 AutoPoster: Splitting parts creates now parts with equal size. This avoid loss of 'smaller' last parts. It is confusing in the beginning that autoposting a bunch of pics results in differnet part size for each picture. But this work better on Usenet ! (see --> news.software.nntp discussions) Filename in quotes also whenever UUencode is used. Multiple file posting automatically includes a file counter in front of the filename: [3/7] Single part files are now ALWAYS posted with: (1/1) behind the filename. Severe Bugfix (security): If the "selective access" was deactivated then users which entered access by the "wide open permissions (for readers and mynews)" had access to the full group list. Their specific grouplist (if any) was not respected. Now the AccessCheck is also done if the "selective access" is off - but a users has got a permission by "mode reader" - or by "mode mynews".... Cleanup: The temporary group lists which are delivered by other MyNews during async header fetches (temp\ 12.12.2002 BugFix: Timeouts during ASYNC header fetching are now issuing event messages and are closing the downlaod files.... Status: The number of open XHDR and XOVER analsis files is now shown in the General Status This permits to see why MyNews is still downlaoding something... BugFix: XHDR Analysis and XOVER Analysis are now called within the same timer cycle. If this is not done then farm-servers with farm-limits get a timeout. BugFix: New async dld blocked fetching of manual fetching the newsgroups.... Fixed now. Old blocking method used again. Error messages: "Filter file not found for group ....." is now a warning "Global filter file not found ...." is now a warning The new async header fetch is now writing error msgs with the correct grpname whenever a local filter file is activated - but does not exist Config-Download Use fast header download. This activates the new faster header download. This is still beta - so activation must be done manually. If the flag is off, then the previous, blocking header fetch is used. This one does NOT support crossposted headers ! There fetched headers are stored only ONCE (in the group where they are found first). ############## > 11.12.2002 MyBuild: 2005 - 04.12.2002 Timers for Async Header fetch are now faster. It is not necessary to keep the hosts active for such a long time. TWAIT 3600 -> 300 TDIS 55 -> 5 ############ > 03.12.2002 CleanBags: Also multipart messages with [#/#] square brackets are now treated as a multipart and moved to the MP groups. ############ > 02.12.2002 CleanBags: "Message too large for cleaning" Such messages are now also read into the mp.@## groups. It does not make sense to leave them in any error directory. This causes just addiitonal work. ############## > 15.11.2002 BugFixes: AnalyseXover(): The group sepcific options are now opened by "grpname" and not by "batGroup" which was an old (unset) variable during async HEADER analysis. The "CheckGood" function has got a second argument (the actual groupname). The "CheckForFilenames" is now using the new tree # 11. The previously used tree#2 was perhaps used by a simultanously running "old style" header fetch.... ############# > 05.11.2002 BugFix: "Anti-Blocking" All Timers are now disabled as long as any dialog box is open. This will prevent MyNews from starting new XOVER fetches with the old method - any also analysis of ranges and xovers - as long as any dialog is open. Previous versions had the problem that the dialog box could not be close or finished if any other "main" job was started during an active dialog - because the dialog procedure was no longer active. This was mainly confusing during the creation of follow-ups. CAUTION: One important result is than you MUST now close Dialog Boxes and should not leave them open on the desktop - because they are now blocking the all the full automatic operations of MyNews !! BugFix: Fetching from MyNews via GrpList & Xover should now also work properly. NextXoverDone() does now also activate AnalyseXover ! BugFix: CalcRange(): Negative values in the calculaton of fetches ranges are now corrected. Illegal range fetches are now corrected - and a warning is issued. Final re-switch: MyNews Hosts are now also contacted with the "new style async XOVER method" - even for fetching headers PLUS messages. Just the old "Get ALL Headers" is still blocking. New Host-Config-Feature: "Dont use async Xover" This option disables the new fetching of Async Xover. It is necessary for fetching messages with the OLD and blocking method. This is useful for fetching from Cancel-Servers and other special servers. And it helps a lot for fetching by full automatic hosts which are never used manually. In such cases the old blocking method might be even FASTER and give more throughput than the new method which is also optimized for minimum bandwidth usage and non-blocking - but not for speed. This option is OFF by default - normal users would use preferably the new method (it is better for newbies). It is necessary to activate the option for upgrades (and if you have problems with the new method)..... BugFix: Security ByPass to authentication implemented All previous releases did NOT accept any of the ByPasses "Open for newsreaders","Open for other MyNews","Open for MyNews friends" From now on these "Wide open security" features are "bypassing" the authentication: If "authentication" is activated, then the "Wide open" options STILL apply. If a client is authenticating the his personal permissions from the AccessFile are used. If he DOES NOT authenticate, then still the "wide open security" features are checked. So from now on you can use "authentication" as a method to offer "many features" (groups) to the users. But it is STILL possible to offer less functionality to those who dont have an account. This permits to offer some "public groups" to everybody, some "more groups" to the MyNews users - even more to your "friends" - and everything (or even restricted features) to those who authenticate. So you can now imagine that the commands: "mode reader" "mode mynews" or "mode mynews " are special kinds of "authentication"..... ############# > 02.10.2002 PicSort: Does now ALWAYS clean a filename from '==' extensions and __$F markers BEFORE adding them to the database. This results in a proper database - even if extended filenames have been generated before for better storing. BugFix: Faster header fetch: Does now start fetching the next range also if the host is already in AX_MWAIT state Does now create first XOV.TMP files - and just later (at the end of Xover) renames that file to .XOV This prevents the AnalyseXover from analysing files whicha re not yet compeletely fetched. If a host is configured for "no bodies" or "only headers" or "disabled" then MyNews is still writing the "Download..txt" file. But the automatic download is not started. The header will be available - but the msg will be downloaded ONLY is another server is offering the msg. And this applies ONLY to FULL XOVER servers. "Filler" servers are checking that the header is already there - and they will NEVER start a download ! So the header is then no longer added to the download msg list. It is generally a bad idea to disable a server (or disable messages) or run it as a filler if it is a regular source for downloads ! Disabling download of bodies should apply ONLY to filler servers. Severe Bugfix - Authentication If a client did use authentication with username and password then his permissions were assigned form the access-file. If he then did send a "mode mynews" then the authentication was repeated for the "MYNEWS" type - and the old permissions were overwritten - if that mynews was not in the access-file then he was even rejected. Now a subsequent MODE MYNEWS does no longer overwrite the permisisons. The "auth" permissions have higher priority. This "auth" permissions also override the checks for MyNews-Name and kill-lists (Troll-Reject). The "friends" filter still applies ! The same happened to a subsequent "mode reader" command. The previous authentication was lost - and overwritten with the "general reader" permissions. Now a previously done authentication has also priority. Severe Bugfix: The GUIDED AUTOPOSTER did call an unspecified WinBox which caused a crash - and so the post could not be done. This is fixed now - and was only for the intermediate releases. Rework PicSorter: The new flags "move samename", "add samename", "extend renamed" "move renamed" "move identical" ... permit finer and better sorting of huge collections.... More documentation will necessary for all the new features. Crossposted messages: MyNews is now finally able to accept also crossposted messages. The previously used database design assigned every message id exactly one newsgroup. And if just full messages would be downloaded then this would have been enough. But the general design to offer also "only headers" - or act as a proxy requires now that EVERY NEWSGROUP has its own history message tree. EVERY newsgroup must remember if it has a message already available. (Else a crossposted msg would be added again and again from all other servers which deleiver the same XOVER). This causes a DUPLICATION of the size requirements for the history tree. And it will require (later) also to expire these additional histories... The "previous" method (to show xposted messages ONLY in the group where they show up first) is still available. And it is still the default behavior. (Because Xpost detection and management requires a lot of ressources). If you want to activate "Xpost management" then activate the option: Config->Download->"Accept crossposted headers". (One of the biggest disadvantages is that the "filler download" needs now to fetch ALSO all crossposted headers again ana again.... sigh ....) This type of crosspost management applies ONLY to XOVER fetches. Locally posted articles or incoming IHAVE feeds are not scanned this way ! There are visible ONLY in the first group of their grouplist ! BugFix: PicSorter left open the "FindFirst" Handles - it did not use FindClose. So the amount of permitted handles decreased - and finally no more finds were possible. Fixed now. The PicSorter uses also the SystemBell now to tell the user that a pass is done. Bugfix "new headers": The AnalyseXover Routine did set the "xover active" flag to stop other "old xovers" from running. Unfortunately the "reset" of that bit was wrong - so the flag was "always on" for mixed modes - which caused a full lock for all future XOVERs. This is fixed now. ############## > 30.10.2002 Display: The "warning" message: "Download marked bodies. No DownFile.txt. Downlaod skipped." has been moved to "normal logfile". This happens periodically if included into a scheduler or FullAuto so it does not need special attention. And starting it manually results in a "Confirmation" now - and no further logging is necessary. BugFix: Async Header Download: The intermediate version did not restore the "default filters" properly. Now the default filters are loaded again at every AnalyseXover(); It is now important that the filters are local - because multiple header downloads cann now run simultanously. ############## > 29.10.2002 (office) Office: SMTP-Server: If a domain in the !domains.txt starts with an exclamation: !i3w.com then the mailbox (directory) MUST exist. Else the message is REJECTED with 450 recipient not valid and the directory is NOT created automatically. Office: Expiry (CleanXover) of !xoverloc.txt --> IS now scanning for missing articles (no more in tree) and expired articles (labelled as expired). Those lines are now REMOVED - until the first one which is still there is found. Then this "expire older" ends - until the next run of expiry. The "CleanXover" is ONLY performed on FULL EXPIRIES to the server. It does NOT apply to expiry of single groups. ############ > Build 2004 - 28.10.2002 Automatic Download Timeout: now set to 55 seconds. This applies to "Header" and "Messages" downloads. Either started manually or by the Scheduler or by FullAuto Complete Rework of the Header Fetch Routines -------------------------------------------- Now all headers can be fetched with non-blocking asynchronous routines. This works together with fetching of messages. It works also for Fillers - for MyNews and Usenet hosts. There is NO priority in the header fetch. However the "fillers" are always done at the end. The download bandwidth for headers is now calculated and limited as well as all other incoming bandwidth. Filler are _still_ sometimes very slow. It makes sense to have hosts with long reponse time as "normal" (and not fillers) - often full Xovers are coming much faster than 100 smaller ranges. !! CANCEL-Messages are not yet implemented into the new hader fetches ! Cancel-Servers MUST be run in "still blocking" mode. BugFix in Date/Time-Analysis: Illegal MONTH settings (any language, not english) in the Date: Header: This resultet in month .00. eralier. Now the PREVIOUS month (from today) is assume to be used ! ####################> Final end of that release (Build 2002) Event -> Warning Some 'commonly' occuring events have been changed to warning level. Communication events which occur all the time are no real events. Timeout in Connect (wait for first 200 msg) Unexpected answer to 'Quit' (almost: timeout after 500 secs....) Empty FD_Read from previous Xover Bugfix in launching/viewing/editing a "semi" multipart.... If a message-header contains (a/n) or [a/n] then the new MyNews ALWAYS wanted to join before view was possible. Now the user can DENY the joining. This is especially important for messages which are labelled as multipart ..... [3/5] ... but are NOT multipart but just single binaries. BugFix in the new Ichar print routine (for illegal chars within UU/MIME encoded binaries) Now printing the correct line. ################ > 26-10-2002 -------> Build 2003, 25.Oct.2002 BugFix: Scheduler was no longer able to fetch messages by mode=10 Reason: post_servernumber was a local definition in two modules. So the server number could not be assigned. IMPORTANT: Scheduled fetches from servers are ONLY possible if the host is existing in the host-list !!! Disabled hosts can still be used now for async downloads. The async downloads started by the scheduler are now IGNORING the disable flag ! ########### > 25-10-2002 yDecoder: An old encoder (PowerPost 25b) does still create CRC32=00000001 These are wrong crc values - not calculated ones but a dummy constant. So the CRC32 check is IGNORED now for the value 00000001 in the file. This does NOT apply to the pcrc32 (part-crc) which was always correct. This dummy CRC did apply only to single part yEncoded binaries... Fixes for the Automatic Icon Creation for Root Servers: If the sourcefile cannot be found, then no icon is created -> but a file msg If the JPEG file is smaller than 10.000 bytes then no icon is created. Such small pics can be downloaded manually easily. And there are meanwhile spammers who are sending out "dummy files" with a length of a few bytes and the JPEG extension. Such "nonsense" files must not be "thumbnailed" at all. Perhaps even a new filter "dont fetch pics smaller than 10 kB" is even necessary BugFix - Group Expiry: If all articles were expired and the "!xoverloc.txt" file in a group was empty then the "!index.txt" (which contains the relation between article-numbers and msg-ids) file was not emptied. Now the "index.txt file is cleaned down to the actual article min/max counters. This might prevent the index file from growing too large (slowing down article retrieval with newsreaders). Flags: treeDsp: Display of TreeActions (HistoryTree, CancelTree, FilenameTree) ############ > 23-10-2002 Multipart detection: The "new" multipart detection had again problems with duplicate brackets and invalid brackets: ...(1/n) ... [1/m] ...... was using the square brackts (which is wrong). Now MyNews is ALWAYS scaning FIRST entirely for round brackets. If this fails, then a second scan for square brackte is generally done. ....(1/n) ..... (192) ...... An invalid pair of round brackets (not a valid indicator) was found first (from the rear). This caused a "non-detect". Now MyNews is skipping such "non-valid indicators" and is scanning for the next one (!) (if any) A new plausibility has been implemented: (1/10001) If the total amount of parts is > 10000 then the analysis is NOT done at all. 10.000 parts is the maximum number supported by MyNews. Xover-AutoJoin: Function did nothing after menu-psotion-change. Now fixed again. Xover updating: Show progress: +(new) .(known) *(article-here) Date --> 21.10.2002, Build --> 2002 ############### > 21-01-2002 MyBuild=2001; sprintf(MyRevision,"Rev:2.0 (Build %d) 19.Oct 2002",MyBuild); Hints: The "Hints" for all new functions have been added. Xover, Main(now: Status), Groups, View, ... BugFix: The new "leave Dialogs on top" caused loss the keyboard input focus on the first edit field. This has been removed now. "Hiding and Skipping": If one of these 'hiding' options is checked: "Skip cancel messages" "Skip FILE followups" "Skip recommendations" then the header lines are already skipped (as well as manually deleted headers) during the initial reading of heade-list. They CANNOT be made visible again with "show all hidden lines". All the other 'hiding' options are sensible to "show all hidden lines"... This is done mainly to reduce the volume of lines to analyse (Speedup). and to limit the amount of header lines. (The limit of 150.000 lines for the Xover window still applies!) "Hiding lines": The function "View -> Show all hidden lines" (CTRL+A) does now show a yellow status (All lines are visible now) at activation and a green status (Hiding lines activated). This makes it easier to know if we are actually in "hidden" or "show-all" status. Tip->Manual: Hidden lines: If lines are selected for "hidden" then MyNews analyses their status and stores that "hidden status". Changing the 'Options' afterwards does NOT HELP - because these lines are still labelled as "hidden". If you want to see the "hidden" lines after an 'Options' change again then you need to use the "View -> Show all hidden lines" (Ctrl+A) or you must use REFRESH for the options to become valid. BugFix: The "Navigator" did not set the vertical scrollbar. This is done now. Hidden analysis speedup: Now the simple "hidden analysis" does no longer perform the full disk-access (check if body is present, check for filenames). This improves the speed of hidden displays GREATLY - now it finally becomes usable. Maximum sharing connections: This value is now limited automatically to 20. MyNews is not able to have more than 34 files open at the same time. So such a limit is necessary until the file system has been reworked. The defualt value is 10 at all, so this should not affect normal MyNews users. Just for the root-servers this might be a more serious limit. BugFix: The automatic switch back from Run-Display to Reader display at the end of a manually started download did switch alrady if there were still msgs in the download loop. Now the switch is disabled until the downlaod queue is finally empty. In wierd cases (queue not empty but no server active any more) the switch might not work properly. Tip->Manual: Download "all" hd/msgs for one server/one group The Filler Download and the "only header" - download for MyNews is ALWAYS limited to the "Maximum Headers at first contact" download filter. So if you wan to fetch more msgs than these, then it is necessary to modify this value first, then start the download - and then later set the value back to its original value. It is recommended to stop ALL scheduler meanwhile. Else that unlimited setting would apply temporarily also to these downloads. yEnc decoding (multipart) and database: Receiving a part (2..n/n) yEncoded causes yEnc to add the filename with a double extension to the file tree. This is nonsense and has been disabled. Ugly odl bug: Sorting by server id did cancel the tree7-flag, but did not close the tree ! Ugly old bug: Destroy on the xover window did close tree#7 - but did not close the flag (!) ############# > 19-10-2002 Display: The progress indicator during Decoding a message shows now just kBytes. The "bytes" display was ridiculous during decoding a 200 Meg video... Menu function Move: The "Act -> AutoJoin all messages" has been moved to: "Extra -> AutoJoin all messages" The "Extra" menu contains also the "delete all headers" and "mark all headers as read". So the functions which act on the entire group are now packed together And the "Groups" window has the same function in the "Extra" menu for ALL groups... SO this is now consistetly. Navigator flags: MULTI - NONE This indicates "Not a multipart" and is only valid if an "autojoin" was executed on a group. "Missing part detection" during AutoJoin: Older versions of MyNews did detect and display ALL incomplete headers of incomplete multiparts - even if not a sigle one was yet downloaded. This might be nice for an admin (as me) but it does not help you. Worse: That analysis is/was slow - and had no real benefit. So this display has been removed. From now on only incomplete multiparts are indicated if at least ONE part of them has been already downloaded. Now the fact that a multipart has missing parts is stored also to disk during AutoJoins. So it is possible to find them back also later easily. The "Navigator" offers the checkbox: "Multi Miss" to find these incompletes. (This permits then to find incompletes seperately from the corrupt messages. The "Nav -> Incomplete" finds BOTH types. The Navigator can find the types seperately. Corrupt MultiParts: The fact that a part of a multipart is corrupt is now stored to the disk. The "LINES" and "SIZE" columns appear with RED background for such corrupt parts. This permits later finding (and repairing) of corrupt multiparts. The function "Nav -> Incomplete" (Shift+I) find these corrupt parts. The "Navigator" finds the corrupt parts with the flag "multi - put". If a multipart has one corrupt part, then also the part #1 is labelled as corrupt. This is done do indicate (and find) corrupt multiparts also in the "hide (m/n)" mode. Repair of corrupt multipart is usually done by first desactivating ALL hosts - and then activating just one where you believe to find it in good condition. Then the Xover-function "Act -> Reload a bad message" ( Alt+A b ) is used. It is also possible to set the corrupt message to "ignore" state and use a single message from a repost (if identical). BugFix Progress: The progress lines are now matching seaminglessly. Bugfix Progress Scan Headers: At the end the progress box disappears instantly. Then instantly the progress for sorting appears. BugFix Sorting for filenames: This is also a slow operation - so the scanning for filennames has now also got an own progress indicator. Illegal characters in a multipart: Illegal characters during UUdecoding and/or Base64(Mime) decoding results nearly ALWAYS in corrupt files. The illegal characters are now displayed in a readable form in the event log. Just up to 32 illegal chars are shown. The filename is extended by "(iChar)" - as an idicator that the file is corrupt ! This prevents the "good filename" to be added to the duplicate filename database. At the end of the list the filename of the file which was created appeares also (for easy separation) in the event log. Display of incomplete multiparts: Replies to the (1/n) message can be interpreted as multiparts. But there is usually only this ONE message. Because the multipart detection takes a long time it is now disabled automatically for messages with: "Re: ..... (1/n) ...." in the subject if the message is smaller than 100 kBytes. It happens very seldom that someone is posting a REAL multipart as a followup (reply) with a splitting of less than 100 kBytes. So the amount of erronous detections should be zero. Joining: Attempts to join an incomplete multipart (manually or automatically) shows now also a detailled list of the first 10 headers /+ bodies which are missing. ############## > 18-10-2002 BugFix: Xover -> Lauch next (new) attachment This functions works now properly again - and find the locally available (new) attachments. Former versions had problem to find attachments in messages which are not on the current screen (because they were not yet analysed) Xover-Hide: The "cmsg icon" messages are also hidden now if the "Hide file follow-ups" option is activated. The "cmsg file" messages not displayed by the functions: "Launch next attachment" and "Launch next new attachment" ############## > 17-10-2002 Thumbnail creation: Root servers are now creating automatically THUMBNAILS inside the CMSG ICON messages. The are yEncoded JPG thumbs with 128x128 + FNTP text + the detected filename. An additional JPG is added. Used quliaty is 80 (same as autoposter)..... The CMSG ICON MESSAGES are replacing the former CMSG FILE <> messages. They contain more information from now on. They are labelled in the path: !not-for-usenet These icon-names are created: (i).JpeG Filename detection: Permits now also brackts and spaces within "" and <> Xover-Display: cmsg file is now removed from the "File-Control-Messages"..... This improves the survey. Also the sender, date and serverid are no longer displayed. Instead a user can always select the line and check te data window for the full header survey.... EventLog: Some additional info has ben added. Event->Warning: "Very old messages discarded".. ################# > 16-10-2002 Connect-Change: Does no longer use the HostName of a socket for the IP address during connects. Instead the _real_ HostName is used. This permits easier survey what host is connected actually in the sockets window. And it shows the original hostname in all event messages (!) Another advantage is that hosts which has been resolved once are not resolved by the DNS again and again. Their IP address is considered to be static as long as MyNews is running. In case of connect errors (DownloadServerError) the IPnumber is replaced by "ConnFail" This speeds up connect to 'known hosts' especially if the DNS is slow. BugFix: HostKill is now also changing a WATCH type MyNews to GONE. Warning -> Log: ReadDownloadFile(): ### duplicates removed. Root-Bugfix: LoggingWrite is now also writing the PORT of a host to disk. This permits proper logging of multiple MyNews on the same IP - but on different ports. ############## > 15-10-2002 New function - Xover -> Act -> Decode attachments: Decodes the attachment(s) to the group -or target directory. This does basically the same as launch, but dos not start any viewer. If a multipart is inside a BLOCK then it is joined automatically. This function is mainly for storing a bunch of pics to a target directory.... BugFix: Editing (TextViewer) of a multipart is now again possible. A temporary version wantedt to join the full msg first. But we just want to see one msg only ! Connect-200 Error: If a MyNews host refses the connection with 502 then no event message is generated. Instead the MynewsDisable (with nonsharer test) is used. Size of the "minimized" MyNews: The old "presettable" values: [desktop] minix=300 miniy=200 have been replaced by: [desktop] mini_x=0 mini_y=0 Normally these values are no longer necessary because MyNews calculates the size of the minimize window properly. But in case that this function performs bad (new 'features' from Microsoft) - then the size can still be predefined. The OLD values (which are in a lot of users of previos versions) makes updates a PITA -so they are removed now ! BugFix: Xover - Setting the size of the LINE column to zero does no longer affect the background color of the subject column. Earlier version used the color of the FLAGS then for the subject. Group Window: New function: Edit -> Reset statistics. After an "are you sure" dialog the delivery (share) statistics (articles+bytes) are resetted to zero - and all written to disk. Illegal NULL chars in recevied articles: Are repoted now only ONCE per article. And now the msg-id is included into the error msg. This might make it easier to find a specifically corrupt message. Remote-Control: remote root servers in "remote mode" do no lkonger update the socket-status instantly. This is extremely slow - especially on high volume sockets - and slow remote control connections. Plausibility for changing MyNews name (capitals) and for illegal 200 MyNews msgs implemented. Host-Context: It is now possible to perform a new "verify" on a LOCKED MyNews Host Memory-Leaks in the new GROUPLIST & XHDR fetches: The "strdup" has been generally removed from all aSync routines. Sets() is now used. This will reduce the amount of wasted memory (memory-leaks) drastically. BugFix: Download/Order speed: Now better calculated and divided by the actually downloading hosts. Recalculated every second (by timer routines). The max. bandwidth can a still reach or exceeded especially if a host delivers a hug article quickly - and so fills up the internal buffers. But this problem could be solved only by a host which delivers lower bandwidth (on demand). Root-Server: Host logging via Shutdown: If a root server does a normal+quick exit, then the file \logging.txt is created. This file contains all active MyNews (MYNEWS,MYWATCH), their last IP and community. In case of crashes the file is NOT written (!) At the next startup these hosts are read again. If the vfyTimer8 is negative, then logging is NOT used (!) If the vfyTimer is >0, then a verify on these loaded host is initiated as first action. This fix permits to shut down ROOT servers easily - without loosing track of the actually logged hosts. Severe Bugfix: Accept only small letters as incoming MyNews name. Else the host is logged again and again (!) BugFix: De-escalation on "non.sharing lockouts": A MyNews which was available since startup is only set to GONE, not to LOCK. Rework on the Timers/FullAuto/Scheduler: The "Stop Scheduler" does NOT affect the full automatic now. The "Stop scheduler" and "Start Scheduler" are written to disk instantly. The Scheduler is independent from the FullAutomatic now (!) It has also its own indicator [C] now - C=Clock. The Scheduler has its own STOP now within the STOP Guide. There is a new desktop option: "Read WinBox disables automatic". If this option is checked (it is on by default) then the second WinBox (default: Read News) disables temporarily the full automatic - and also the scheduler. This helps newbies who are confused when MYNews starts automatic runs while they are reading the newsgroups. BugFix: FullAutoSetup was no longer loaded properly since the WinBox-Names were changed. This resulted in "non-start" of the full auto after boot. Fixed now. ################# > 14-10-2002: Minor BugFix: Xover - Empty group selected: Did not delete the entire window properly. BugFix: Some reader options have not been saved properly (mark_as_read, show_raw,...) This is fixed now again. BugFix: Closing the XOVER window with [X] showed up the Groups lists also for upstream, download, missing file display. Now the same routines as for ESCAPE are used here. BugFix: DownloadServerError & New modes: HOST_MYLOCK and HOST_MYBACK are now handled. BugFix - Lock nonsharing MyNews: Check-friends issued an event message because the friends file was not found. Now this non-existance is ignored - and no friends are assumed. This test did also apply if the "reject non sharing host" secu option was off. Now this "kill" applies only if the secu option is selected. Reverse engineering: The new layout for the Indicators and WinBoxes has been a disaster to some remote control programs. The colours are no longer properly displayed. So the indicators are completeley unusable for remote control. A new "root-server" option is now used: "Remote control - simple layout". If this one is activated, then the indicators and winboxes are again simple rectangles - and hopefully better displayed. Severe Bugfix: New LIST method for MyNews fetch did no longer fetch new messages instantly. Instead ONLY the headers were fetched ! Now the "usual" fetch for text groups (full fetch) is back to old mode - making sure that messages are also fetched. (and not just headers). The "new way" is intermediately limited to "fetch only headers" commands. ############## > 13-10-2002: Dups in the Download/DownMiss files: If a fetch is done for marked or missed items - and the actual dld queue is empty, then duplicates are removed form the cleanup file. Previous versions did no cleaning - so especially the missing file was growing eavily with duplicates. This should be better now. However there WILL be still dpulicates in these lists, because they are NOT deleted at readtime. The cleanup is jsut done at the NEXT download when a message is already available. More Confirmations: The "Downloading of headers, msgs, marked, missing and grouplists have now additional Confirmation Alerts if something went wrong. Old version wrote only events to the log. Now the functions are issuing confirmations. This applies also to the [D] indicator click and guided downloads (!) Examples are: * No servers found. * No dowload file * No missing file * Files empty - nothing todo.... NO confirmations are given here if the function operates properly. Internal: StartNewSuck(): finally replace by DownloadMulti(1,0,1,1); Expert Sharing setup Some confusing options which are only used by ROOT servers (watch) has been removed for free and full versions. Usually the default values are ok. Dont change them ! * Get from others after upload request: Usually we fetch messages from others if they ask us. * Get from others after sharing request: Usuall we fetch messages from others if they ask us. * Get back from others after (secs): If someone contacts us, then you can automatically let MyNews fetch headers/messages from him. This does it once after a new memeber connects to us. * Get again from others after (mins): If someone contacts us again - but was already know, then we can automatically fect messages AGAIN from him. CAUTION: If two MyNews have this option activated then they will play "Ping-Pong": They trigger themselves to download again and again. So this timer is in MINUTES - to prevent heavy action. * Verify after Login: If we perform a login then this option checks the received list of MyNews which of them is really there/sharing. Those who are not there are removed from the list of active hosts. You can switch this option off (value=zero) - then MyNews will detect that the hosts are not there if it tries to contact them. This can result in LONG delay - because usually time outs (40-60 secs) per host are necessary to detect that a host is no longer available. Root-Server: * Get again after watch: If a root server is using a mixture of WATCH and GET-BACK then the case happens, that a MyNews contacts us while we are watching him. This prevents the usual "Get-Again" timer to operate. If a Root-Server wants to get back only once and then switches to WATCH mode (Use just suck_back - but not suck_again) - but the users comes back, then MyNews is in WATCH mode - and would not use "suck-again". Instead "get-again-after-watch" is used. Usually get-again-timer (in mins) and (get-again-after-watch) are the same values (both are in minutes now). * Verify after upload request. This timer can be used for a root-server which does ONLY verify, but has no groups. Then it may react with "verify" to an upload request - to indicate the user that someone contacts him at all. But usually ROOT-servers should at least keep a few groups - and perform then uplaod request on them. Root-Servers: Verify my clients redesigned. A root server can VERIFY if the clients which are logging in are REALLY available. And it can check periodically whether they are still there: If a client comes with a LOGIN, then the vfyTimer5 is used for the delay of the first check whether that host is present. Usually a short time (1-10 secs) is used here (if the verfification is used). If the timer5 is zero, then this verification is NOT done. If it IS any value, then the MyNews-Client is set to mode: WATCH - and its timer is started. If a client comes in with any CONNECT, then the vfyTimer9 is used to determine when the verification is started. A value of zero does NOT start verification for incoming connects. If a DOWNLOAD is performed from a client then MyNews uses the vfyTimer1 to determine when the next verification is started. If timer1 is zero then no test is initiated after downloads. (The successful download itself is a good sign that a host is there). If the vfyTimer2 is used, then the verification of clients is done periodically. A new VERIFY is performed every ### seconds (vfyTimer2). A value of ZERO switches off periodical verification of clients. The "verification" connection is usually active as long as the "default" timeout for client takes. If the default timeout is 1800 and the verification is 300 secs then the connection is still terminated every 1800 seconds. If someone wants to close a verification connection earlier, then he can use the vfyTimer6. This one determines how long a verify connect stays open. If this value is zero, then the "normal timeout" applies. If the value is 1...10....vfyTimer2 (periodical), then connection is closed after this time. If the value is LONGER than vfyTimer2 (periodical) then the connection REMAINS OPEN as long as the client is active ! This would guarantee highest speed in accessing clients from the host. A usual setup (for default verification) would be: vfyTimer5=1 (instant check after login) vfyTimer9=1 (instant check after connects) vfyTimer2=300 periodical checks every 5 minutes (900: 15 minutes) vfyTimer6=2 (Instant closing of the verify connection) If a host does not verify, then all timers are zero. Root-Server-Changes: A "suck_back_login" does now override the VerifyTimer 5 (verify after login) (in former versions the verify timer did override the suck_back_login timer). If a client connect then now the vfyTimer9 (verify after 1st connect) applies. (former version did use the periodical timer). The vfyTimer7 (verify after idle) has been completely removed. The "Get-again-after-watch" timer is now also in minutes. MyNews-Host-Status: Two new status modes have been introduced: MyBack - (cyan hostnumber): That host is only backsharing - we wait for HIM to grant access. MyLock - (red hostnumber): That host is unreachable - WE lock him out now. Host-Window-Display: Hosts with running timers for future downloads are now green - no longer red. red is usually reserved for running things. Events -> Warnings: Some often occurring events are now changed to Warnings - or even to normal log msgs. Such msgs are only confusing and were created only during development - and for debugging. However the interested user will still see them. Timeout in Quitting event->conlog ############### > 11-09-2002 BugFix: AutoJoin(): Does no longer try to join: Subject: ... [1/4] ..... (ALL/n) ... BugFix: Color change of [E] Event indicator is now ok. AddFileName(): Is now writing Filename Group and Date also to an according SEQ file. This applies only to ROOT servers (in the moment) and will permit easy mixing of sequential files into larger filename databases. ############### > 10-09-2002 Debug: The exception handler shows now also the last variable "lastformat". This will help to find out problematic log outputs. ################ > 09-10-2002: SMTP-Server: KillFilter for mailboxes installed: mail\!killbox.txt Entry format: mail@adress.net (for the sender) Example: spamtrap@i3w.com Try on mailbox archiver@i3w.com BugFix-Traffic: Now the outgoing commands are also counted to the traffic counters. This becomes necessary especially for the hosts where header fetch is done by XHDR and Xover-RANGES. There a LOT of commands are sent out. ############# > 08-10-2002 New MyNews security feature: "Lockout non sharing MyNews" Other MyNews which are not sharing but only downloading can be a PITA. So we need a weapon against them - even if we agree that its usage is only "last rescue".... If that option is activated then all other MyNews which cannot be reached (unreachable, no access for you) are labelled as "not sharing". From now on these MyNews can no longer access us - until we've deleted the entry manually - or we did restart our MyNews. This option is mainly for those who are in the "sharing" community. Everybody who joins that community and is not sharing _must_ be locked out - because it is a threat to the sharing people. A possible malfunction is that a user goes offline - and comes back. If we try to access him in this time than he might be locked out innocently. But this case can be solved with the "friends" mode: If a host is in the list of our friends, then this option is never used. The scan of the "friends" list applies always - even if no other function is selected for friends. Restrictions for Free Version, Full Version and Root Version redesigned. New version: 30-day-trial version. More accoustic signals for longer XOVER actions: * Moving a block does now use the default system bell after it is done. * Deleting a block... * Joining a block of messages * AutoJoin entire group * Undo a block * Sorting the message list by available server (can be very slow) Often these "block" commands made be leave the computer because they take a lot of time. Now I am alerted if the function is done. Dito for the Main Window: * Reading BagFiles * Cleaning BagFiles * Expire history * Expire generally * Repair & Rebuild * Verify * PicSorter & Picsort Importer Groups Window: * Repair one group * Expire one group * Verify one group BugFix: The "repair one group", "verify one group", "expire one group" functions are now refreshing the desktop before they start. This avoids a broken display in the SPY window. Growing download lists (missing messages). There is a constant problem with messages which cannot be downloaded right now. Formerly the download queue was sometimes lost - now some lists are growing endlessly. The most growing lists are those for "full automatic" downloads of headers and messages together. These queues are actually held in the temporary TEMP directory for each host - and these lists are emptied only if the message was finally fetched. Non-fetchable messages stayed there forever - causing growing list. Because MOST of these non-fetchable messages are also accumulated in the "Missing messages" queue (for manually marked and started downloads) it is not too bad if MyNews now removes the "automatic queues" all the time automatically. It is still possible to fetch messages manually - and most non-fetchable message will end up in the "Missing List". But the "queues by server" are no longer kept for days, months or years now. Startup: Evaluation of mark/miss/feed-file This analysis which is done at every startup does NO LONGER verify if messages are already downloaded. This check is very slow (for large files) so it is no longer done if more than 100 messages are in the queue. This might result in "wrong displays" after startup - but the delay is really confusing - if 5000 messages are marked for download... Sharing through firewall (BackSharing) This is now also started whenever a message or header download is finished. Intermediate version did "sharing" only if there was nothing for download at all (no new headers). Also the new "quick xover by grouplist" (from MyNews) and the quick "xhdr range fetch" (from Usenet) are now using the general AsIdle() function. BugFix: Calculation of actively sending clients redesigned. Now every significant change for a client socket starts a full re-evaluation for the active number of clients. ################### > 07-10-2002 BugFix: Deleting a host in the HOSTS window does now also stop its timers - and its head/body download flags WInbox-Names: These names are now also stored in the wndpos.ini file. So now these positions are no longer loast after the next upgrade. And the wndpos.ini can be also copyied to another installation. BugFix: Xover - Double clicking a line did NOT mark the message automatically as "read" (if the option is activated). Just ENTER did this. Now also a dbl click sets a message to "READ" status (make text red->black). Now a header is also marked as read if the message is ordered directly by a double click (or with the 'o' order key). This is done as soon as the message comes in the the still visible data window is updated. Added two confirmations (started first download confirmation) and (first download done). Added the "adult" checkbox to the very first dialog. (Just to be sure :-) Extended def-comm.ini Default communities Build 1095 --> 2000 Preparing the new installer version ################################################################################ Post a follow-up (Reply) MyNews quotes now only up to 20.000 characters. The previously used value of 30000 chars resulted in a full window buffer - which did not permit to add any own text. MyNews is now also detecting yEncoded parts - they are blanked now.... (The previous version did only detect UUencoded parts... - time to upgrade ;-) If a post contains very long lines (>90 chars) then MyNews is now automatically wrapping these long lines to 72 characters. This results sometimes in strange quotings - especially if a thread has reached a quoting level of 91 chars - but this should be negligable compared to the benefits when someone did post "unwrapped" text with 250 chars/line. Selection of newsgroups by host modified It is possible to specifiy a host with a "special grouplist". Then only the groups activated for that host are fetched from it. This applies to all predefined Usenet and MyNews hosts (!) Now the "Shortcut" in the Host-Setup has been extended. It is possible to enter a short name instead of just one character. If the groups-window is set to: View -> Host Selection then the lsit of hosts with a predefined grouplist appears in the window. Now the TITLES are these longer shortcuts. This permits far easier identification than before (when only one char was displayed). The column width is automatically adjusted - and up to 30 predefined hosts should be visible in the selection. The "Server" column in the Xover-Window STILL uses only the FIRST character of that shortcut - else the server-column would grow too large. New Group Menu: VIEW This menu offers to switch the current display of the groups window. The "Normal" & "Stats" offer only numbers - just for survey. The "Basic", "More" and "Hosts" view permit to change the most important group settings by simply clicking into the table. The functionality to "toggle" the display of the groups-window by clicking to the column title bar is still there. But for the newbies an own menu offers the different views now better - and easier to understand. The "special" views are also maximizing the window (for better survey). Selecting the "normal" view does bring the window back to normal size. Group Window: EDIT menu Some functions (All on/off, Download modes) have been removed from the menu. These functions are easier to reach and better explained in the "Props" Dialog. Group Window standard display: This window displays now by default the "sharing statistics". You can easily see how many bytes and articles your MyNews delivered to (shared with) other MyNews. All the "quick group property overviews" are still available by clicking to the column title bar up to 4 times. (The settable options have white background during this display mode). BugFix: Upstream Feeding: MyNews did add more messages to the Usenet upstream feed than wanted. These additional "limits" have been implemented: * Posts to local.* groups are never send upstream to Usenet * Posts to folder (which do not contain a dot in the groupname) are no longer sent upstream. * Posts to groups which are not flagged as "Usenet" are no longer sent upstream. (This does not apply to ROOT servers. Root server owners will properly use the 'exclude from post' option for a group). The "Input" Config has been removed - because the last value (timeout) which was relevant for normal users is now in the server setup. All other values are for root-servers only. Root server owners can still see this setup - but it is hard to use (and explain). The "Splitting default value" has been moved from Upstream to Apps (AutoPoster) The "Startup" config has been renames to "Applications" This contains the "default settings" for the: * Auto Poster * Bag Reader * Auto Decoder AutoPost Path moved from "Startup" to "Helper" config (logical order) All TIMERS (timeouts) have been moved to the SERVER config dialog. Redesign of most CONFIG dialogs (frames, logical order) ############## > 06-10-2002 WinBox "Readnews" - stops now scheduler/full auto If "Read News" is selected (or the guide function "Read news" is clicked) then the Scheduler and the full automatic are temporarily disabled. The [T] indicator turns grey. This does NOT apply do other "reader" winboxes you might create - or modify. Just the 2nd WinBox causes this effect (!) (Do what I think :-) The three next win boxes (Run, Minimize & Stand alone) are removing that "temporary disable". The [T] indicator turn back to his normal colour. Other WinBoxes do NOT affect this "temporary disabling" It was always a pain for myself that MyNews start full automatic things while I was reading the newsgroups. I believe you felt the same problem. No this is kind of "do what I think"..... BugFix -> Full Automatic: Using "resume Full Automatic" if the full automatic was disabled at startup cause the INSTANT start of the full automatic. Now the "default period" is used. If this one is zero, then the boot delay is used. If this one is zero, then the timer is set to 3600 seconds (one hour). Log: The message that "sock (178) closes finally" has been replaced by the hostname if the hostname is still visible. Else is used as hostname. BugFix: "Config - Get my own IP-address" .... Shows now ALL detected IP-addresses - even if online-detect is not activated ! AutoJoin(): MyNews does no longer try to join (2/n) .... (n/n)... Either there _is_ a (1/n) or we ignore the entire multipart (for speedup) - and because MyNews seeks now multipart in both direction. Reminder: The AutoJoin joins ONLY multiparts where a FILENAME is detected. All other multiparts must be still joined manually. This is done mainly for security reasons. Speedup: Join - Scan for Parts: Xover is now seeking in both directions (up & downwards) simultanously. This makes scanning faster and independent form the current sorting mode. Whenever an analysis found all header but no bodies or all headers and all bodies then it stops now. Former versions could use a lot of time analysing all availabel headers. BugFix-Multiparts: Could not join mesages with more than 999 parts. Now up to 9999 parts are analysed. Groups-Window: The key combination for "FIND" (from the xover window) did also work in the groups window. Now the "Find again" keyboard shortcut works also in the groups window. (With long grouplists this makes it easier to find a groupname). The message-box "text not found" has been replaced by a longer text which contains the search string. BugFix: Expiry of headers: If the date of the header is in the FUTURE, then this is usually a malformatted header - or a users clock was set wrongly. MyNews did keep these header forever (1.1.2010). Now MyNews expires ALL headers which are more than 30 days in the future. This is a fixed constant. BugFix: Indicators: The [S] indicator does no longer turn yellow during sending own messages upstream - or by multifeeds. Just the [U] indicator turns yellow. BugFix: Xover-Time-Analysis: The Date-Header: ..... 14:50:33 +0900 seems to be NOT GMT. Now the +0900 is subtracted from the time to getch the real time. BugFix: Xover-Display: The author and date columns are now always drawn with the correct PEN. Intermediate versions did use a black pen (border) in some special reply and/or multipart cases. ############## > 05-10-2002 Error-Handling: Expiring the cancel tree or the history did stop whenever an error occurred. Now the case that one illegal block is found does not lead to stop, but issues and error message, skips the blokc and continues. In such cases it is a good idea to rebuild the entire database. Some message might be downloaded as duplicate - or are no longer found. Minor Bugfix: FirstContact: - MyNews Xgroup/Xover: Did not show the groupname but "No.Group.Selected". Shows now the real groupname New default filter: "Fetch up to #### headers at first contact"... If a newsgroup is newly defined - or a host in contacted and the headers are downloaded the very first time from it, then this is a limit. No more than #### headers are downloaded, even if ten thousands are there. A value of 0 uses unlimited (1.000.000 = one million) headers for fillers and will fetch according to the 'other' restrictions (if any). It is still possible to use "download _all_ headers" from a group or host. But this is the "reasonable default limit".... (Very similar to "Ignore headers older than ## days" ).... This setting limits also the amount of headers is a server has been reorganised and the headers must be fetched again (!) Severe BugFix on incoming IHAVE: Incoming articles by IHAVE were added to the default upstream queue. This is stopped now. Incoming IHAVE & active feed_routing is ONLY fed to multi-feeds now. (This is as it should be). BugFix on file followups: The change for the flag "add extended filename to filename database" caused the effect that no file-followups were created at all. Now these follow-ups are created again - but only if the extended filename is used! Selective IHAVE access: Giving a user IHAVE by "selective authentication" did not work. It was still required that the IHAVE was also generally permitted. No it is possible to forbid IHAVE generally - but grant it by "selective auth"... Feed Severe Bugfix: If articles are already stored in the DATABASE files (not as single files) then MyNews did accept them first but the "inserting" after complete reception failed. Now MyNews is properly testing if a message is available also BEFORE it permits the feeder to send it. Logging: post_in_progress: # moved to AllDebugDisplay only... Bugfix IHAVE Feeds: If one feed is empty then MyNews did not feed to the other feedees. Now also other feedes are tried. IHAVE feeds: The "port" of the feedee was not read correctly from the feed#.ini file. Old versions expect the port in the section [autopost]. Now the port can be also modfied this way: [feed] port=120 (119-NNTP is default) IHAVE feeds: Root servers will now also feed cancelled articles to their upstreams. Hint for Repost upstream implemented Hint for Reverse sorting implemented ################ > 03-10-2002 BugFix: VerifyDatabase during boot is now laso running with "bootflag" already off. An intermediate version could not operate properly with the active bootflag. (There was a hangup). SpeedFix: Xover-Hidden lines: Hiding a lot of messages caused slow update of the desktop during scrolling all the time. MyNews did not rememeber that it analysed a line already as "hidden". Now it keeps this in mind and will scroll much faster. If the "show all hidden lines" is enabled, then MyNews will analyse all the headers fully again. Changing the "visible options" in the config requires generally a REFRESH to become valid for the not yet analysed (shown) lines. Example: If you browse through 100 pages of lines which are already marked "as read" then hidinh the "read article" in the options will NOT hide these lines - but just those which come later. ################ > 02-10-2002: CrossPost detection: Has been deactivated again. It is not possible to detect Xposts just by the existing msgid with the current database structure. This works only as long as the article has not been downloaded yet to the database. Else the group number is lost - and cannot be recovered. In such cases - and in the case that a message is xposted to three or more groups - the header was added again and again to the XOVER list - blowing it up - and making it impossible to remove such headers because the dups came up again. Proper Xpost detection (rather than the actual method to have the header only once in one group) is far more complicated and does not match the currently used strategies "to be a news-server".... Now the "Accpt Xposts" will only LABEL messages as Xposted. And this is only done if the article has not yet been downloaded. BugFix: Add a new newsgroup - GroupList Entering a new name of an unkown newsgroup sometimes displayed two or more groups in the list display. Using OK then did warn the user: "Please click to one group". This was misleading - especially if the user was not browsing the groups but entering the name manually. Now MyNews accepts the names as entered also with OK. Previous versions needed CANCEL to accept the name. Extension - Xover - Move. If the target name is not a newsgroup (does not exist) then MyNews offers now the "Ignore" button which creates that group as a folder instantly. This folder has the option to be NOT shared and never downloaded automatically. This permits easily to move messages to new folders. The previous method (to add a group manually) was very time-consuming as soon as one wanted to "clean up" the own messages for archiving. Severe BugFix: The "LogRotate" did change the current directories. Combined with the "Xover - Option - Select target" this resulted in malfunction for subsequent data storage because the start-directory and the log directory was changed. Now the "Start-Directory" is evaluated only once after startup - and this bug is removed (GetCurrentDrectories). ############ > 01-10-2002 New fast header/xhdr/xover fetching - Decreasing high watermark: If the "high watermark" (message counter) decreases just a bit, then the last 100 headers (of the actually available range) is fetched again. If the high watermark decereased more, then the entire header range is checked again. This is then limited only by the "maximum amount of headers" (as used when fetching a newsgroup the very first time). Traffic - Lines It is now possible to have wider lines within the traffic window. This can be reached only in the MYNEWS.INI file: [Traffic] pinsize=1 1 is the default value. It might be possible to use also "2". This might be helpful for remote control programs which do not show lines with single dot size. Just an administrator tool. ############# > 30-09-2002 BugFix: Full Versions could not find the security options: "Contact only MyNews friends" and "Dont contact MyNews trolls".... Now thy can. BugFix - Login with multiple MyNews-Names on the same IP: MyNews refreshes the original names of all predefined MyNews hosts now before it performs any login. This makes sure that we get the correct DNS information. Most users did not have this problem, because such "secondary" hosts are usually well hidden (and not visible to the public). New method: CONFIRMATIONS -------------------------- A lot of dialog-boxes which contain only 'confirations' (that something has been done) or minor important warnings (which dont require thinking about them). It is annoying to press ENTER or ESCAPE or use the mouse to find OK/Cancel. From now on MyNews is using special a "confirmation" window for such messages. The difference between a message box and a comfirmation box is: * You dont need to click to any buttons or keys. * Simply continue to work. * That confirmation window disappears with any mouse click within the entire window (left or mouse button). * That window is not blocking anything - you can also click instantly any other function. * There are confirmations with "Information", "Attention" and "Stop". The "Information" is just for info. The attention tells you that something happened you should know about. The STOP tells you that anything was not started - but simply ignored. * Some confirmations which are between two dialogs (Config - Save for Example) are showing the confirmation at the top left, are then sleeping for half a second, and then the dialog continues...... this is all just informational (!!) Host-Toggle On/Off: It is now possible to activate also a host which is disabled by config with a single click to the '#' column in the host window. A second click will switch the host back to fully disabled. A (new) confirmation warns the user. Winbox: "Minimized" This setting does now automatically compute the size of the MainWindow. It shows just the title, the indicators, the three WinBoxes "Guide & Run & Read News" The WinBox #3 (Minimize) is already hidden. If the "quick buttons" are activated then the first of them are also visible. Of course it is still possible to set any specific layout/position also for this WinBix. But the "Restore" will work this way. The previous settings in the INI file: [desktop] minix=200 miniy=100 do OVERRIDE this computing at RESTORE. Set them to ZERO if you have an old INI file (edit it with a texteditor). New users will never again see this option. New Host Option: "No automatic disable": Whenever a host deleivers and answer as "502 - you have no permission to talk" or any other critical or unkown error code, then MyNews disables it automatically. If the other host is a MyNews host, then it is removed from the hostlist. For PREDEFINED hosts it is possible to desactivate this "automatic". This can be necessary for some hosts which send 'strange' response codes. Be careful whenever you use this feature. It would even "hammer" to this hosts port even if you are truely locked out. This would be very ROGUE behavior ! However you will get ALWAYS event-log-entries for the malfunctions ! Startup: MyNews check now the existance of an old event/warning log and sets the [E] indicator accordingly to white/yellow/red. Final Bugfix: Dialog boxes do NOT permit other windows in the background. But they permit the Browser to open - or the editor/viewer to open (HELP, View GrpLists, ....) Important bugfix: Add a new server. If a server was added again - but with a different port - then MyNews refused addint the server, because it says "It is already there". Now MyNews checks also the PORT for identitiy before rejecting a duplicate host entry. "Host delivers wrong message" problem: If a host delivers a message which has not been requested (usually a server fault) then MyNews tries now to fetch the message ONCE again. If this works then the correct article is used. If this does not work in a retry, then MyNews gives up on this article for this host. It will then try to fetch it from another host The fact that retries are made - and if they succeed or fail - is writen to the EVENT log. This should not happen often - and is a serious problem (for MyNews or Usenet). New Host-Option: (For predefined MyNews Hosts) The "new method" (to fetch headers from MyNews Hosts by the LIST command) can become very slow whenever a MyNews has a lot of groups available. This is unusual - but can happen. In such cases the speed advantage is no longer an advantage. So this 'feature' can be switched off. It is also necessary to activate this option when accessing a older MyNews (predefined) with FULL HEADER access - because such hosts deliver wrong numbers (which causes endless reloads of the entire XOVER - because MyNews beleives that this host is always reorganised!) Important Bugfix: Users with access to full headers (not just local articles) are now getting also the GROUP-LISTS with the correct numbers. Older versions did ALWAYS send out the numbers for the local articles. Now MyNews delivers different numbers in the lists for articles and headers. ############### > 26-09-2002: WinBox - Settings of the Xover-Display (Column size) Storing OWN customized WinBox layouts offers now an option "Save soe reader settings". If this is activated, then MyNews will store the actual size of the columns for the XOVER window together with the window setup. Whenever such a WinBox is clicked later, then the XOVER window changes its layout. Example: You can create one WinBox with "extreme long subject columns" for binary groups (or joining) - and one with a large author column (for text groups). You can also display flags or size or lines or server-surveys in specific WinBoxes larger - or smaller. The "small" desktop has been always a problem for the newsgroups. Switching views easily might be the best solution to this. Scanning for multiparts: Previous version of MyNews did only scan FORWARD for multiparts. This was faster - and did avoid problems with identical filenames in earlier multiparts. Now MyNews is scanning the entire subject line in front of the (3/56) and scans also backwards. This way most parts should be detected now properly. This is of course slower - but PCs are getting faster - and newbie users will appreciate this. There is NO flag to switch off this new behavior Launching a multipart: Does now issue a warning dialog that the message is a not yet joined multipart. Permits to join right now. If a multipart is not yet complete, then launching is not possible at all. Manual Join of single message: Does now show a dialog with an error message No more event logging (with SINGLE message join). Block joining writes problems to the event log. At the end there is a message box incase of problems. Xover-Navigate: Has got a progress indicator now for slow seeks (counting down remaining lines). ############# > 25-09-2002: Xover - Reverse sorting: The automatic "reverse sorting" by clicking twice the same column title has been disabled. This is used often enough as a mistake and confuses. So reverse sorting is still available - but jsut as a menu function or keyboard shortcut ! Known effect: Downloading headers for just ONE newsgroup (from the groups window) will try to fetch headers for this group from ALL available server. A "server-specific group list" is IGNORED in this case (!) This is done intentionally. Whoever really want headers for just ONE group wants usually ALL available headers from it. Whoever want to exclude specific hosts from that "single group" fetch should disable the unwanted hosts temporarily in the HOSTS window BEFORE he uses the "one group only" download functions. New HOST-config option: "Filler uses XHDR" If a host-entry has this option activated then it will no longer fetch headers with a full XOVER all the time. (This can be very time consuming on large groups - when a lot of hosts are available). Important: The "Fillers" will be requested for header-download ONLY is no other "normal" host is still waiting for header-download. First the "normal" servers will deliver their "full" headers. Then the "fillers" will be asked to "fill up". If ALL hosts are configured to be fillers then they are all running the same priority. There is NOT YET a priority for header download (!) Instead that host is asked to deliver only a list of MESSAGE-IDS (with XHDR) for each group - which is very fast. Whenever MyNews detects NEW (unknown) message-ids in a group delievered by a "header filler" then then it fetches ONLY the "missing" headers with a full XOVER line. This reduces the bandwidth use enormously. However this has also a disadvantage: If such a filler delivers a LOT of unknown message-IDs - and these are splitted into small groups within the sequence then MyNews will fetch A LOT of 'smaller ranges'. This still reduces the bandwidth - but it is done simultanously on multiple hosts - and should be fast enough. It is NOT recommended to define ALL hosts as fillers: Your providers (free) servers should always deliver "regular" headers. This "filler" option is great for pay-servers where also headers must be payed. And it is great for additional free servers. The more hosts are available - they more often you should use the "Filler" option. It does not make sense to use it with 1 server. You can use it for TWO servers if they are both good (high quality). For three and more servers it should be used. For 5-20 servers it seems to be a "must". Downloading millions of headers would eat up more bandwidth than downloading a few articles. Important BugFix: glist.c The grouplist was opened with copen but closed with CCLOSE (!) This caused other files to remain open ! Debug: File, Mem & Flush Display now available to all users Full file trace seperated from the display of "actually open" files in the Main Window ############ > 24-09-2002 Fully new designed: 1) Fetch of headers (only headers) from other MyNews 2) Fetch of headers (only headers) from 'fill' Usenet servers Important Bugfix: Old free versions crashed as soons as more than 10 hosts were predefined. This was hard to receover and is now fixed. traffic.c VolumeRead(): If (onr>MAXHOST) check added. ################ > 23-09-2002 Delivery Statistics: The Group Window shows now the number of delivered articles and the amount of sent kBytes per newsgroup. This shows the admin how much which groups are frequented. The volume counter is 64 bit double precision - there is no 2 GB limit ! Block-Marking: Marking a block with the keyboard (Shift+Up/Down/Home/End) shows now the size of the block in the status line. Marking a block with the mouse shows this also. BugFix: Changing the window layout did not update the Log's window sizes. Now that window is completely repainted in case of changing the layout. Moving messages: Whenever a problem occurs and a message cannot be moved to another group then it is now set temporarily (not on disk) to KEPT status - and the header stays visible (in case that a BLOCK was defined for the movement). Previous version made it pretty hard to move messages around. Please notify that it is STILL not possible to move "just headers" around ! This ONLY works for downloaded messages. BugFix: Expiry of one group - or repair of one group does now update the GROUPS window. This shows now the new numbers directly - and not later with the next click or update. BugFix: WriteGroupHeader does now make sure that never more "new & unread" headers are indicated than are available over all. This was confusing especially after expiry when only 400 headers were present but 34000 were there as unread. Expiry of "watched answers": The "Expiry" dialog has got a new button: "Watch". This expires the list of "watched answers" - but only if the headers have been deleted manually. KEPT and MARKED lines are never expired. The results are only visible in the LOG window. Expiry of "delivered" artciles. Those special root-server which have "delivery monitoring" activated have got also the button 'Deliver' in the expire dialog. It works identically to "expire watched answers". "Navigate": Extension: Is now also seeking for CROSSPOSTED headers. Is now also seeking for articles which were already downloaded (Body) Default target directory for decoded files: The "FileDir" can now be edited in the Config-Paramaters-Helper setup. Non existing paths will create errors during decoding. Illegal paths (*) (no '\') (empty) are reset to the default: mynews\files Xover: Target directory for manually decoding (Join, Launch) The new function "Options - Target for binaries" (keyboard Shortcut 't') opens now the same dialog which also permits to move or copy pictures. Here it is used to specify a directory where ALL SUBSEQUENTLY launched and joined binaries are moved to. By Deault MyNews is storing all binaries in its own subdirectory: mynews\files\ Or the user specifies an own "File-Directory". Now MyNews permits easily (and very fast) to specify own subdirectories - which is very helpful for storing temporary RAR files (or MP3-albums) - or using any kind of "presorting". The "target" specification is only valid as long this one group is selected (Refreshing it does not affect the target). But as soon as a new group is selected the TARGET is reset to the default (see above). It is very easy to specify the "same target" again: Use the key [t] - and then press [ENTER] (Open/Save). It is very easy to RESET the target to default: Use the key [t] - and then press [ESCAPE]. The result of the "target" function is displayed in the status line. As usual this function has been optimized for PERFORMANCE. It does "what I need" quickly. With the minimum of clicks/keys as possible. If you want to store just one/two pics to any target then it is EASIER to launch the picture and then MOVE it (with the viewer) to a new target than to use this "target" function. This "target" function is mainly for storing a bunch of pics/binaries to a specific location. Exactly in such cases most other tools are annoying (and slowing down) the user by asking for the target again and again. Xover/Data: The new function 'View-Zoom' (Keyboard-Shortcut 'z') does zoom the Xover and Data Window to full screen and back to normal. This is useful for "keyboard only" uers - and compatible to Forte Agent. Navigate: Scans now also for Xposts. Indicates "slow scans" in the X-Status line and switches the mouse cursor. Is now restoring the recently used settings for the next boot (Button "default" is not shown, but used). Scans now also properly (and slowly) for flags which must be calculated slowly for each line. (FILE, BASE, CANCELLED, XPOST, GOOD,KILL,SKILL) Boot-Display: MyNews will no longer show XOVER/DATA/VIEW window after boot. Only the groups window is shown. These windows are always empty after the boot - so they are only disturbing. Whoever want to see these windows after boot should edit the MYNEWS.INI: xover_startup_hide=1 data_startup_hide1 view_startup_hide=1 These are the defaults. Setting them to ZERO will restore the old visibility status of the after a boot. CrossPosts: The new 'download' option: "Accept crossposted headers" (experimental only) will now add crossposted articles to the group - even if the header is already known from another group. This is a BOOST for the size of the header-files. But it makes it FAR easier to find and join crossposted multiparts ! CrossPOsts are labelled with an "x" in the 'FLAGS' column of the Xover window Special XOVER-LISTS: ESCAPE on the special XOVER-lists: ~outbox,~inbox,~missbox are now closing XOVER at ESCAPE - but they are NO LONGER calling the GROUPS window. It was always confusing that ESC did show the groups window. All the five special lists (~outbox, ~inbox, ~missbox, ~watchbox, ~deliverbox) are now opened with SHOW ALL HIDDEN LINES mode. BugFix: Dialog Boxes (created by Myews) will no longer permit to operate ANYTHING outside the dialog. However the server will continue to run. But ALL other MyNews-Windows can no longer be activated or used. The previous Versions permitted far too much which caused sometimes that the Dialog was hidden behind other windows creating the perfect confusion for the users. Fixed now. Xover - Mark as READ: The solution to disable this function on hidden line is odd. Now this works if just a single line is marked. On block (or hidden lines) it will NOT mark KEPT messages as read. BugFix: DownloadCleanup() did write message to the old (no longer supported) get-miss.txt file. Now it uses also the "DownMiss.txt" file. Debug(): Special debug mode implmented for the "server delivered wrong message" problem. (as_retry[sock]) BugFix: DownloadCleanup(): Does now also "KillProxy" for all the msgs. Previous versions might have let the Proxy operation "pending" until timeout (of the reader) or forever ! BugFix: All incoming FD_CLOSE (for asnyc mode sockets) are now closing the socket. Previous versions might have kept some sockets open. BugFix: An unexpectedly incoming FD_CLOSE for a not identifyable socket is now also using KIllSocket - and releases the WinSock ressources. (Previous versions might have kept resources forever). BugFix: Article Download & Unexpected closing of the socket: This does now also restart the download with anohter server. Previous version simply "forgot" to downlaod the article. BugFix: Article Download & Timeout in a GROUP select command: This does now also restart the download with another server. Previous version simply "forgot" to downlaod the article. Timeouts: The timeouts in connecting to a host has been prolongated. The '60 secs' timeout has been expanded to 180 secs. In difficult cases these timeout can also be extended with appropriate (longer or shorter) settings in the MYNEWS.INI file: [timer] to200=180 ; After connect waiting for first welcome 200 OK to201=180 ; After "auth user ***" waiting for 381 to202=180 ; After "auth pass ***" waiting for 200 to203=180 ; After "mode reader" waiting for 200 ok The "connect" timeout is usually <45 secs - determined by tin WinSock internally. MyNews is using 60 secs timeout here. ================= > 21-09-2002 Traffic Window: Default is now BLACK background. This allows better seperation of the colors. This feature can be switched off (and stored to disk) with the OPTIONS dialog. The WinBoxes for RUN and READ-NEWS are now bahving differently depending on the setting if the GUIDE is hidden or not (reader config). However the GUIDE is always re-displayed if someone uses the GUIDE WinBox - and re-hidden if someone uses the 'Minimize' or 'Stand alone' WinBox. =========== > Build Nr: 1095 (19.Sept.2002) Changes in Window Popup in Guide Functions: * Add new group shows now the full group list * Add new host shows now the full host list * STOPs switch back to RUN (1) winbox. * AutoPost hides all windows during the dialog. Add a new group - From the GroupListWindow: The Group List Window opens now in FULL SIZE. The additional buttons "QUICK" and "ABORT" are visible then. QUICK: Adds the group without further questions as: * Shared, Download from MyNews and Usenet, Download only headers, Database as default. The the List is displayed instantly again. This allows subscribing to 10 groups easily by marking one - and then clicking to QUICK. ABORT: Closes the entire "Add new group" function instantly without further dialogs. Add a new group: The "OK" adds the group now without further dialogs. The new "More>>" button shows all options and paramaters. "Server Busy": During these blocking and time consuming operations MyNews is "busy" and indicates this with a yellow G indicator now: Expire, Repair, Verify, Header Update. BugFix: Cancelling the "Basic Setup" did no longer display the regular Main Window. The "exit" did not permit MyNews to return to norma display mode. Fixed now. Upload request: If there is no other MyNews (or no host defined at all) then the function opens now a dialog box and informs the user that it failed. A message is also written to the warning log. BugFix: The message "Server Shutdown" is only written to event+warning logs if there WAS already a log with other event/warnings. Else the line is only written to the normal log. Informative: Indicator [U] turns now RED is an upstream sending fails. BugFix: If an upstream sending failed, then the [U] indicator was no longer green. This indicated that everything was done and OK. Now it turns red in case of trouble. BugFix: GeneralProgress(): With just 1-1 lines caused a div 0 crash. Fixed! Indicator "G": Offers a context menu (right mouse button) with database & windows & exit. A Click with the LEFT mouse button offers a dialog with explained functions. Indicator "O": Offers a context menu (right mouse button). The left mouse button opens a dialog which permits to enable/disable online detection and to fix problems when the PC has also a NIC (network interfac card) with additional IP addresses (which disturbs the Online detection). For "fixing" the online detection it is necessary to go OFFLINE (Hangup modem). Then the "FIX Problem" button is used and the [O] indicator turns grey. Hopefully it turns green (online is detected) aftert going online again. Rework of the "database test" at startup after unexpected shutdown of MyNews: If MyNews detects that it was not shutdown properly, then there are now three options: Dont verify & repair automatically. Always ask. * Perform intensive verify automatically (if necessary) Do everything automatically. Never ask. (Unattended server) ... Only full & root versions! The "Automatic intensive verify" is default. Users who hate that MyNews does anythig automatically can switch this off. Then they are asked if they want to do it now. It is then also possibole to say "no" and perform a more or less time consuming verify later. Unattended servers which might even restart full automatically will choose the last option. It performs always intensive test and automatic repair without any questions. The admin can see the results in the event log. The "G" indiator turns yellow if there is not enough harddisk space. It turns red in case of database corruption - or failed repair cycles. If there are "no problems" then MyNews opens a dialog box with this confirmation that everything is ok. ############## > 02-09-17 Indicator-Rework: Some Indicators are now turning to GRAY if the corresponding function is desactivated. Theis applies to: Online,Logon,Download,Sharing,Timers,Upload. All Indicators are now starting a guided functions if clicked with the LEFT mouse button. These guided functions offer more detailled explanations -and are starting more guided functions. All Indicators are now having a RIGHT mouse button context menu. The first menu entry is always a HELP page for this section of MyNews. Most Indicators can be disabled/enabled or activated right now. Most menus contain a CONFIGURE function - which calls the "expert setup pages". This rework makes the old "Main-Window-Menu" obsolete. A lot of the functions there are not necessary - and are only confusing. Speedup: ManyLinesUp() and ManyLinesDown: Are now checking "xover_hide[]" before making an analysis. This reduces the amount of necessary duplicate scans for 'is hidden' ############# > 14-09-2002 Joining accepts now also Multi Attachments in UUenc - where more than one begin/end combination is present. In this case the "amount of lines / message" warning is switched off. So it might be harder to detect which part is corrupt - if any JOINING has been changed from "seek for filename" to "seek for text in front of brackets" method. This affects AUTOJOIN and JOIN on a line. This should make most "manual joins" superfluous. However it is now harder to fetch "reposted" parts with a filename but different preceeding texts. yDecoding (multipart) has got a progess indicator now (one update per part). Better progress: The "General Progress Window" is now updated 3 times a second. This costs less computing power (in case of quick updates) and offers info that something is still going on if the update is extremely slow. FileName Database: The group options permit now to define (per Group); * The "global" file-name-tree (in the data directory) * A "local" file-name-tree (in the server\group directory) * A "special" file-name-tree (in the data directory). This one permits multiple groups to share the same database * A "special" file-name-tree with a full qulaified path (c:\\.....) This one permits mutliple groups to share the same database also in any directory - or on other drives. Especially if some newsgroups are "related" then they want to share the same filename database ! BugFix: MyNews is now creating the file-name-databases automatically also when an entry is to be added (by manual or automatic download). Older version did create the file-name-tree only if the group was setup as "Dont download known filenames"). BugFix: Old versions did store also capital letters to the filename database. From now on only 'lower characters' are stored there. (MyNews coud newer find filenames which had any capital letter inside the filename or subject line). This resulted in a LOT of duplicate downloads if the "download only new files" filter was used. Bugfix: Old version did store extended filenames only if the "create automatic followups" was active during full automatic (async) downloads. But the full name was always stored during manual launch. Now the storing of extended filenames is STRICTLY controlled by the new download-option: "Store extended filenames". Extended filenames contain the expansion: __$F$R. This permits perfect identification of renamed files - and of modified files. Such "extended filenames" are generated by some MyNews root servers and help the users to determine duplicates. (The root-servers usually dont downlaod identical duplicates). BugFix: "IsPicture" does no longer identify .nfo (or any other filename with a SPACE in front of the dot) as a filename ! It is looking for a second one ! Xover-Subject-Column: Found filenames are now highlighted with CYAN background if they are already in the database. The are highlighted with YELLOW background if they are NOT YET in the database. Filenames enclosed in Quotes (yEncoded) are now also extracted properly if they have SPACES inside. Xover - Known filenames form the filename database: MyNews marks now filenames in the subejct with CYAN color if they are known (in the filename database tree) This makes it very easy to find out where the filename really is. Xover - Hidden lines: In the "Show all hidden lines mode" hidden lines are marked by a yellow square between lines/isze and the subject line. If the "hidden" is really active then one yellow line between two message lines together with a yellow triangle between size/lines and the subject indicates that here is something hidden. Xover - Config - Keyboard definition A dialog permits to assign HotKeys to EVERY function of the window. Use CHECK before you want to apply changes. Use '?' if no char should be assigned to a function ! It is still possible to edit the KEYDEF.INI file manually. After APPLY the changes are INSTANTLY available. ONE last abckup is kept in: mynews\data\keydef.old Xover - Speedup on visibility filters (hidden messages) The filtering for GOOD, KILL, SKILL and CANCELLED messages are now done BEFORE the msgs are fully evaluated. This speed up such selected views enormously. Xover - Universal Finder for flags implemented. (For Super Power Users ;-) Because there are many different flags for each message it is nearly impossible to implement "seek" functions for all them them. Especially when it comes to "combinations" as: "Find the next unread and kept message" would result in an endless number of functions. To solve this issue an "universal navigator" has been implemented now. "Xover - Nav - Navigate and - Navigate again. Keystroke: Shift+V (269) and 'v' (270) are reserved for that navigator. The call of the navigator shows a dialog with all available flags. If you are (for example) looking for "kept" messages then activate the "Keep" option and start searching. The "Navigate again" function would do the same sarch again. The option "Search upwards" permits now also to seek from the bottom to the top. If you activate TWO options (KEEP + MARK) then MyNews will find messages which are either KEEP or MARK (or both). If you activate TWO options and want that MyNews will find only messages where BOTH criteria are valid, then activate the option "All flags must match". In the upper example (KEEP+MARK) MyNews will ONLY stop then at lines which are labelled BOTH - KEEP _and_ MARK. This is a very powerful "special seek option" - and I hope you will like it. I sometimes needed such "very special searches" - and missed them. So I hope that it will offer enough power also to you. Very advanced users may want to store some "special seeks" for later re-use. Make the selections you want - and enter a short name into the NAME field. Then click to OK - this will store the settings under this name in a special "navigation ini file" (data-directory: mynews\data\navigate.ini) Next time you call Navigate there is a BUTTON below the NAME field with the previously defined navigation options. Simply click to one - then it is loaded and executed. If you want to 'update' the settings of such a stored naviagtion then simply select any option, type the SAME name in to the NAME field and click OK. This will then OVERWRITE the old settings. It is not possible to rename a stored seek - or to remove them. But you can open the INI file with a text-editor and make neccessary changes there. (This is a super power user function ;-) BugFix: Delete Newsgroup: On WinXP/2000/NT it was not possible to delete a newsgroup as long as it was displayed in the XOVER window (actually open). There were files open - so the folder could not be moved to the DELETED folder. Now MyNews is "closing" the newsgroup - so that it does no longer block the removal. The deleted groups are now moved to a folder: mynews\DELETED.GRP (Previously: EXPIRED.GRP) This was misleading. The group did not expire, it was DELETED. So the folder "DELETED.GRP" matches now the "DELETED.NTX" folder (where the deleted messages are stored) BugFix: "Click ignored" in Xover window: Sometimes clicking a line int he xover window brought up the warning: "click ignored". Previous version used a wrong variable (the size of the Groups Window) to determine the actual number of lines. This is fixed now. Groups and Xover Window are using different variables now. Reader-Option: "Double click orders message instantly" (default: ON) This permitsnewbies to quickly fetch a message. It is necessary to be ONLINE (!) Group-List: The "Size" per group (bytes of the article in the group) is now counting with 64 bit double precision. Old versions displayed nonsense or negative values if the size of a newsgroup growed larger than 2 Gigs. Quick Setup: Uses now the entered community (empty --> anonymous) Uses now the temporary an-#######@@ identification also as eMail address Guide-Desktop: "Start Download" uses now ALWAYS the Winbox #1 (RUN) settings "Read news" uses now ALWAYS the Winbox #2 (Read News) settings This permits the user to setup his own desktp for these two guide functions. He may choose to have the layout he wants himself. Previous versions did use always a fixed and not changable layout. AutoDecoder: If a file is decoded which exists already identically then the file is NOT stored. Previous version did a compare ONLY on the filename and the size. From now on MyNews compares the files byte by byte. This is slower - but perfectly reliable (which is more important than speed now). BugFixes: Xover - Launch attachment: Shows now also *.JPE (*.JFIF) files with the internal JPEG viewer Displays now also files with a SPACE in the filename with external applics. Displays now *.NFO files ALWAYS with the textviewer. (Some windows installations are using .NFO for System Info files) Xover-Order (or Double click): Displays now what server is contacted for download - when it was foudn - and how many bytes are still to download. Xover: Ordering abunch of messages does now use the sequence top-down. Previously the first message was fetched first - and then the rest bottom up. Xover: Double clicking a line will now order the message instantly. This is mainly for the newbies - who cannot press 'o' for order. BUGFIX: Order with activate Priorities for the Hosts is working now !!!! Launch works now also on yEncoded multiparts (fetches the filename from =ybegin.. name= ... there) AutoDecode now also for Tiny Trial Version Warning Log introduced: Yellow warning messages in the Log are logged as warnings. Warnings are turning the EVENT indicator to YELLOW now. WinBox defaults changed fTiny: Security enabled: Permits to contact "only friends" and to "dont contact trolls" fTiny: Child Proof Lock disabled for group download. Automatic group creation: All groups are set to "download only headers" mode If no grouplist is found at startup then "mynews.announce" is added always automatically now. Manual Setup: The "Guided Setup" shows now also the "Setup Progress" in the Main Window. BugFix on database startup: The error message "Database not found" is no longer displayed if there are groups in the database - but no full messages in them. This event message appeared after adding a new group with storage to the database. If no articles were downloaded for this group then the event appeared at the next startup. Fixed now. Spy is now "Log" and the text is white on black. New colors will appear. The "Quick Buttons" are gone now in the main window (no more necessary). ALL Menues have been moved from the MAIN-Window to the Status-Window. The STATUS window is now the SERVER window. WinBoxes are now better shaped - and the color of the shape changes if one is selected Indicators are now round ( as LEDs) Redesign of the MAIN Window --------------------------- BugFix: HostWindow: Supports now also scrollin with a WheelMouse ############ > 10-09-2002 BugFix: BagCreation does no longer create "Groups-Directories" if "bag per group" is not active. Previous versions did always created the subdir per group in the bag directory - even if the bag-creation "per group" was switched off. ############ > 09-09-2002 BugFix: Download-Statistics (appeared too early - missing messages were also counted) Now the download statistics appear again if the # of msgs in the dld queue is n longer smaller than the # of msg for downlaod in total. Amount of groups exended to 10.000 for the FULL Version. BagRead(): Emergency break implemented for group # overflow (create new groups) ############### > 08-09-2002 ############### > 06-09-2002 Xover-Mark for download: Bugfix which changed the flags unintentionally ! PicSort: Can now again move to collection directory WITHOUT slow file analysis. PicSort: Some bugs fixed. PicSort: CommandLine Sorter desactivated PicSort: Rework: runflag --> ps_'flags' ############ > 04-09-2002: Rework AutoPoster: Creates now ALL Thumbnails before posting. Post now ALL Thumbnails at the start. Creates now thumbnails also for >20 pics per post. Checks source directory now for up to 1000 files New XOVER-Function: Post - AutoPost Binaries. Uses default feed server Uses default mail address for that group Uses actual group as default Very easy and simple Stores paramaters under the FULL newsgroups name. ############## > 020826 MIME-Decoding: If no filename can be found then "noname" is used now. Previous version did never save such attachments. BugFix: "Xover: Updating" - The GeneralProgress did close the message composition window. Now the ActionStatus in the Information window contains a percentage counter. BugFix: DEL & INS on a hidden line will no longer STOP 'going down'. ############## > 21-08-2002 BugFix: The (all/27) AutoClean Message did disturb the "multipart complete analysis". (It did then miss (-1) parts) .... fixed now. AutoPoster: It is now possible to have an empty subject (and only a prefix). Previous version filled the empty subject with an asterix ! This is fixed. The "blocking" operation: "Updating headers" shows now the General Progress Dialog. It is NOT possible to cancel that operation. Progress during large video decoding works now properly. Old version stopped at 10%. Block-Join does now indicate done multiparts during operation of the function. Xover: Hidden messages are no longer loaded. Just multiparts are analysed and then loaded (if necessary) Repost a message: Removes now the header-line: "Followup-To:" This line contains OFTEN nonsense - and this rejects messages at POSTing it. The yellow line appears only if a header is analysed - this reduces the yellow flickering ################### > 19-08-2002 A yellow line indictaes the actual refresh display position (still busy) JOIN works now also on a block of messages (Results only in the SPY) UNDO NEXT does go down only if no block was defined MARK does now permit block of multiparts (no more warning about the volume) KEEP on a block does now set the KEEP flag identical to the setting of the LAST item (b) XOVER_READ: fixed bug: Did not work on blocks Changing most XOVER functions to hidden lines #################### > 13-06-2002 ReadBags(): Does now reject messages with illegal characters in the newsgroups line (*:<>...) Menu-Key-Change: "Xover" - "View" - ('S' was used twice in this menu) Alt+V A is now "show ALL hidden lines" Alt+V S is now "Sorting" Menu-Key-Change: "Groups-Window"-"Extra" 'R' is now Mark all as Read, 'P' is now "Repair". Now Alt+X R is "mark all as read" in Xover as well as in the groups window. (Consitency of keyboard-usage) Minor bugfix: AutoJoin statistics: "Header Lines with done MultiPart" shows now the correct value Minor bugfix: GeneralProg does now calculate percentage with float numbers (long files) New option: Remove autojoined & cleaned messages automatically if no error occurred ############# > 13-05-2002 Modify filenames: Does now accept filenames with ascii(128)...asci(255) without change Minor bugfix: Xover - Mark all as read: Does now refresh the Groups-window (numbers) instantly yDecoder in CleanMode: Does now also add: #!y =ybegin ... line #!y =yend ... line The CleanBags does no longer reject and move multiparts to ERR. Instead it moves them to a group: .mp (mp=multipart). These messages are NOT decoded automatically ! MyRevision,"Rev:1.9 (Build %d) 11.May 2002",MyBuild = 1094 AutoJoin and Join: The "Corrupt" Marker (RED Line) is now stored to disk as KEEP AutoJoin and Join: An additional pair of brackets with just text behind the part indicator is now skipped - and the real indicator (if any) is found. Find incomplete: updates now the xover-list properly ################## > 17-04-2002: Implenting the changes from the secondary development system for CleanUp MultiParts Done on 17-04-2002 Replacement of entire XOVER.C ################ > 11-05-2002 MyRevision,"Rev:1.9 (Build %d) 09.May 2002",MyBuild = 1093 ReadBag(): yDecoder: Displays now only up to 10 event-messages if the line-length is incorrect. The previous versions did write thousands of event-messages (one per line) - which is not informative. ################# > 09-05-2002 yEnc-Event messages: Automatic Decoding during download did always create an error-message. (Unexpected EOF in yEnc multipart). This is no longer an event, but is just added to the log. During download the multipart is never complete. ... and automatic joining during download is not (yet) available. Viewer: Menu "Copy" permits to COPY a picture to another directory. BugFix: Double Dots at line start during decoding the last line of a UUencoded message are now detected and corrected. BugFix: Illegal NULL characters in the headers caused MyNews to stop downloading an article - it could NEVER be retrieved. Now ILLEGAL ZEROS are detected, replaced by '@' and an event message is shown. Progress Display for UNDO: Now done for every single line (uses: Xslow()) This function can be very slow if downlaod files are long AutoJoin(): Now faster - does not retry all incomplete parts again and again. Progress - during scanning dowload files: The progress is no longer displayed if: * It is called from automatic runs (FullAuto, Scheduler) * Another Dialog is still open * THe progress is generally switched off Root-Servers: Closing sockets of LOGIN does now make a Hard close. This prevents that open sockets are accumulated in special cases. ############### > 04-04-2002 DataGetArticle(): Fetches now single file messages also by the number from the MsgTree. This works better after reloading bad messages. ############## > 29-03-2002 Maximum connection to servers in a farm: Each host can now be specified as belonging to a server farm. A maximum amount of conenction to that farm can be specified for every host (It makes sense to use the same number for every farm). Farm Number 0-9 are available. Zero is the "default" farm. Non-reachable MyNews servers: The dynamic MyNews servers are no longer added to the event log if they cannot be reached. Instead they are now logged to the connection logfile There are too many users running behind a firewall which cannot be reached. This only fills up the event logs. Kill Socket: If a socket is killed manually and was busy with seeking an article or downlaoding an article then "DownloadFail" is now used to fetch the article from another server. SMTP-Traffic: The SMTP-Server is now also adding its traffic to the sockets Only the incoming traffic is inkremented - because it does never send. Root-Servers: [server] root_deliver=1 does now create delivery statistics They are NOT created for local IP, local network, full speed and users where the "NoLog" option is activated The statistic shows the date & volume by user-account. This permits accounting now. ReadBags: Error in Adding an article will no longer stop reading larger BAG files. The rest of the bag file is now also read. The entire bag-files is moved to the ERR directory if such things happen. The BAG-Reader operates now also on b*.dat files. This permits direct reading of BASE files (without renaming them first) Display: There are now only up to 64 displays for "illegal UU/MIME" characters per file. Some files are seriously broken - then some hundred thousand error lines have been written to the logfile(s). Plausibility: MyNews does no longer start "AutoJoin" if a multipart indicator is (74/3): If (m/n) occurs with m > n then this is ignored totally. Security: MyNews does never "LAUNCH" these file-types: EXE, COM, BAT, CMD This list has now been extended by: SCR INF It is possible to extend the list of "never Launch" this way: The file: data\filetype.txt contains a list of file.extensions. This list can be extended by the user (if new filetype come up). Now it is also possible to define here additonal "NeverLaucnch" extensions: -exe -com -bat .... The leading "dash" (minus) indicates that this is a filetype which must not be launched by MyNews. (The upper lsit is predefined and cannot be changed). If you want to avoid starting of HTML pages then add: -htm -html In all cases such attachments are STILL decoded and stored to disk. You can STILL find them in the files-directory and launch them yourself. But MyNews does not launch them - even if yu choose the function "launch". Just an error message appears ! Xover-column width: It is now possible to drag the columns to their new pos (resize the columns by draggin). The column size is now ALSO stored inside the WinBoxes. This permits setting up different views (longer subject, with/without flags/ ....) Progress: Starting a download of marked/missing bodies has got also a progress. This is also not interruptable. Progress: Scanning mark/miss/feed files during boot (can be slower) has now got a "progress-box" - but is not interruptable ! BugFix: ScanHeader() & ReadHeader() are now eliminating leading spaces in the Message-ID. This avoids errors while reading bag-files. ################ > 27-03-2002 Limiting download speed: A download Speed which is a direct kB: 8000,16000,25000 bytes/sec is now limiting the bandwidth for downloads to this value. This works also for DSL connections or LANs. Missing Multipart markers: MyNews does now mark only those multiparts as incomplete where a body is present. Formerly also the multipart messages with only headers were marked as incomplete. (which they are not) 29.Feb: This date has been fixed for years which dont have a 29th of February. FreeWare / Tiny Ware: These version can now also click to the title bar of the Groups Window. This shows the additional options which can be directly activated with a single mouse click - and offers a far better overview than the options-dialog. AutoPopup of SPY and JPEG-Viewer These window do no longer popup if the MAIN Window is minimized. This did require to close the window which popped up to permit getting back the MAIN window to the desktop again. Now MyNews checks if the MAIN window is visible even very small - in MIN mode) before it pops up these two windows. This avoid confusion. Size counters for bytes > 2 GB. Fast DSL lines permit to mark more than 2 GB for download. So the download status volume (marked for download, actual download queue, done volume, missing volume) has been changed to 64 bit (double float). This should stay for a few years :-) Overflow VOLUME.INI If a lot of mynews hosts are contacting us, then the "volume.ini" files grows larger than 64 kB - which creates an overflow. Now this file is no longer used. Instead the HOSTS directory contains a Vol-HOSTNAME.ini for every host which contacted us. It will be necessary to remove the old files from time to time !! Corrections on manual joining: Starting a manual join (Shift+J) did previously abort the function. Now a dialog box appears and asks: Abort/Retry/Ignore. ABORT: Will stop manual joining (as before) IGNORE: Continues joining RETRY: Deletes the last JOIN marker - and permits corrections this way. (Corrections are necessary if a LOT of parts must be joined). (I still dont like these "tiny" dialogs where you could arrange 257 message ;-) Manual Joining: Clicking the last section to fast twice was ignored. (Windows interprets this a special "right button double click"). Now manual Joining is also ended with such a "double click". Storing files manually (Join, Launch) - when a file with this name and size exists already: The previous versions of MyNews did NOT store the new file. Even if it had a different content. Now MYNews assumes that the users WANTS to replace the old file with the new decoding. A message is issued. This is_very_ helpful if someone did reload a bad message and decoded a multipart which results in the same size as the old one (which was corrupt). In such cases MyNews did NOT store the new, intact file - but skipped it - and kept the old, corrupt file. Now MyNews assumes that the newer file is the "better" one. Xover-Hiding some messages - Hints: Hiding good/bad authors and/or multiparts will still show these messages with "show hidden messages". Cancelled messages, Cancel-messages, Recomendations, File-followups are removed _completely_ form the list (to speedup things) and are NOT coming back with "show hidden messages". They come only back by switching off the HIDE option and doing a REFRESH on the group. This seems to be a bit strange - but such message types (if used in a group) might be a LOT of messages (doubling or tripling the amount of headers) and slows down then operation significantly for those who are not interested in this stuff. Xover - Hide killed authors This new feature in the reader setup will now hide all killed authors (and killed servers - by msgid) This has been finally itroduced because "hiding" is now working pretty good. Using the "Show all hidden messages" lets them appear again. With "Hide good authors" PLUS "Hide bad authors" only the NEW authors are visible (which can be easily classified then). Xover - The "AutoJoin" is now seeking _backwards_ for (1/4). This finds also wierd messages where (#/#) is used TWICE in the subject line ########### > 21-03-2002 Xover: Column Width: Clicking the delimiter between two columns in the title bar makes it smaller, Cicking more right makes it larger. The fields are +/-10 pixels from the Title text of the column in the bar. Hopefully I will realise true dragging one day. (Hard to code without windows-internal DLLs - which are never used in MyNews) Xover: Sorting: Sort-Menu has been moved. It is now a sub-menu of VIEW. (It is rarely used. Better click the title bar for sorting) All sort-modes are now offering also "reverse sorting" (There is a new item in "View" for "Reverse sorting") The "Threading off" has been moved to the VIEW menu Threading, Reverse sorting and "Show all hidden items" are now checked (the menu shows a small OK hook) Clicking the title-bar-column which is already the sortmode activates/deactivates reverse sorting Xover: Handling of very long subject lines: The Reader Config permits now three different settings: a) The long subject line is displayed in the last line (yellow background) b) The long subject uses the full line and uses the next line for autohor/date c) Long subjects are simply truncated Please choose whatever you like most. ############# > 20-03-2002 Design: Opening a newsgroup does now show a progress for scanning, sorting, threading AutoPoster: The AutoPoster is now placing the "yEnc" keyword BEHIND the size indicator: 123456 yEnc bytes --> 123456 bytes yEnc Scheduler: The scheduler does not start if a dialog box is open. This prevents MyNews from starting downloads while an AutoJoin (or expire, or ....) is running ! Scrolling with the cursor up/down keys: The active bar is kept in the vertical center of the list. Downwards: The line increased up to the center. From then on it stays in the actual position of the page Upwards: The line decreases up to the center. From the on it stays in the actual position of the page Subject control-messages: The "subject control messages" are now displayed at the end of the subject field. This improves the view if the display is enabled for them. Different colours are used now to indicate them. Magenta: cancel messages Yellow: Recommendations (Attention) Cyan: File messages (Attachment filename) The formerly used colour "Yellow" (reply-message without the message it is refernced to - almsot crossposts) are now using WHITE. Event "Unknown answer to article command" (480,503, ...) (Seen on newsfeeds): This does now stop downloading articles from that host. The effect was seen on a hsot with access-restrictions if too many connections were made up (to a server-farm). Xover: Long subject lines in the message list are now using the full line length. The "Author", "Date" and "Server" columns are displayed in the next line. Spy display during JOIN reduced. Now only the actual part# appears. The prious display (one line per section) has been moved to AllDebugDisplay ############# > 18-03-2002 Filename-Cleaning: The deocder is now scanning filenames extensively. Illegal leading and trailing chars are removed. Illegal chars within filenames are replaced by UNDERSCOR: '_' Spaces are now allowed within filenames. Illegal chars for DOS/WIN32 are: 0x00 - 0x31, : /|\ <> ?*@ Illegal as trailing chars are also: ,;_ ############ > 17-03-2002 ProgressDisplay: The display per line during AutoJoin can noe be disabled with the "Progress Display Option". This makes the AutoJoin faster (for >10.000 msgs in a group). BugFix: Marking all messages as read did set the "unread" messages to zero. even if some messages were "kept" - and were still unread. Now the counter shows the real remaining number of unread messages. BugFix: If a new database-file is created then it is instantly flushed to disk. This prevents crashes to truncate the file to the later written content which causes major trouble to the internal data structures. BugFix: If an article could not be located in a corrupt base-file then the basefile was not closed. This caused an "out of ressources" problem after >30 attempts. Now the file is properly closed. Xover: Event-Display: If an external viewer could not be started then the Xover-statusline shows a yellow error-message. Mark as Read (Xover): If a block is defined then items are only marked as read which are not yet read. This speeds up operation. New: Lines which are labelled as KEEP are NOT marked as read. Marking them as READ is only possible for single lines - not a block. Visual: Xover-Window: Joined multiparts are now labelled with BLUE color (no longer with yellow which means "action"); This applies to the multipart-flag as well as the background colour of the size & lines column in the XOVER window. BugFix: Find & FindNext are no longer moving the active line outside the window. Speedup: skip_to_next_unread: Does now also use XoverHidden() This analyses the line ONLY if necessary. All the "quick hidden tests" are done before ################# > 14-03-2002 BugFix: BaseExpire(): "Message wrongly flagged in Message Tree" If this message appeared, then the message was not expired. Now the message is expired even if it was wronlgy flagged (its time is over). Display: AutoJoin: "Found section" starts now always in the first column of spy (CRLF ahead) Xover - Join messages: Starting the function on a "Re:" line is now also possible. Usually the JOINER does not join such messages in all automatic modes. But using 'j' for join works now (it ignores the "re:" ) ################ BugFix: Timeout in connects/wait for 200 xxx does now close the socket directly. It seems that on Win2000 such sockets stayed open forever (on close_wait status). BugFix: MyNews does now remove empty "DownFile-.txt" if they are empty. Old versions did collect a lot of such empty files, because it did delete them only if not a single header was downloaded. BugFix: Hint-Dialogs: In some cases it happened that MyNews wants to open new "Hints" dialogs when old dialogs are still open. This confuses users. Especially the case that MyNews is downloading - and showing - pictures quickly makes it nearly impossible to switch this function off - because again and again a hint is coming up. Now hints are generally no longer shown if another dialog is still open. BugFix: Community registration: In 1.9 it was not possible to register with a community. All new users joined automatically (and invisible) the community "anonymous". Now the community input works as designed. BugFix: Long subject (wrapped to yellow last line) did not update second last line BugFix: Illegal character detection within MIME & UUencoded messages does now also respect special cases in the last line. The event-messages offers now also the hex-value of the illegal character BugFix: It is again possible to LAUNCH a multipart (yEncoded). MyNews could not extract the filename from the subject line because it was enclosed into quotes. This is analysed now. BugFix: In hidden multipart mode it is no longer tried to download Replies "Re:" as multipart (usually just one msg is there) For downlaoding multiparts in a reply it is necessary to goto "view all mode" and mark the messages as a block - or every message individually. BugFix: yDecoder: Dot in columns 0+1 --> reduce to one dot. Some encoders do not encode DOT in column 1 ############# > 12-03-2002 BugFix: Messages disappearing from the Download Queue/Files: If "marked bodies" were downloaded - and the function was called again while the downlaod was not yet finished, then the messages which were still in the active download-queue were removed from the list. Now the mesages stay on the list until they are finally downloaded or manually removed from the list. ############ > 07-03-2002 Host-Limitation: If number of active hosts is limited, then a host is disconnected after 10 seconds if a header download did not result in messages for download. BugFixes: Download-Stop: Download connections are now also stopped if the host is disabled (or "STOP Download" is used) while seeking in a loop where no msgs are found. AutoJoin: Does no longer starts joining on (0/1) - only on (1/1) (This did restart auto-joining again and again as a 0/1 is never marked as "done") Join/AutoJoin: Are Painting now progress indicators into the "Progress-Box" Join: Detection of corrupt parts results now in a RED status display: "Corrupt file " Join: Joining a single message shows now also the General Progress window. It is possible to stop the joining of the messages. Is is _not_possible to stop the finding of the messages (which is fast). If CANCEL is clicked during finding the msg, then join stops right before it starts collecting the parts (the slow part). It is _not_ possible to stop the final decoding of the joined message. This requires a re-entract UU/MIME/yDecoder which is not yet done. BugFix: Mark as READ does no longer remove the "multipart done/corrupt" markers Mark ALL as READ does no longer remove the "multipart done/corrupt" markers Speedup: Hidden multiparts are no longer analysed. First multiparts are no analysed if they are marked as READ BugFix: Xover-LineDown: ORDER and IGNORE on the last line did move the line-pointer behind the maximum nr. of messages. This is fixed now. It stay now on the last line. Bugfix: Double addition of messages for download to the status counter. This effect has been removed. If 10 msgs are downloaded then just 10 are now added to the "waiting download queue" counter. (DownFile.txt) BugFixes: Reloaded bad messages: Sometimes it was not possible to remove a reloaded message (if this is still corrupt). MyNews did use a wrong article number and still tried to remove the original message (which was already deleted). This fix is done for REMOVE article and MOVE article (to another group) Reloading a "bad message" (corrupt message) removes now the red "Corrupt Multipart" colour. BugFix: XOver: Updating flags for expired/deleted messages does no longer cause corruption to the header-index file. Some rare circumstances caused problems here. (No third party reports - fixes only internally watched effect). Timeout for "Receive Article": 120 -> 300 secs. The timeouts for receiving articles can now be set individually in MYNEWS.INI: [server] to_response_article=300 // Timeout while article data is coming in to_receive_article=300 // Timeout for reply of the HOST to the article command ############ > 02-03-2002: Skip (Mark read & skip to next unread): Does not longer mark the actual message as "read" if it is set to KEEP. This permits to seek quickly for new messages without changing the UNREAD marker for a kept message. Mark as READ does still work also on single kept messages. ########### > 01-03-2002 BugFix on UP: If (xlact < xfirst) --> if (xlact <=xfirst) This avoid that the active line disappears at the top Does now again analyse READ messages for multiparts (MP_FOLLOW, MP_FIRST) It is bad to show all read multiparts even if hidden is activated for them ########## > 28-02-2002 Informative Message: "Enough servers active" moved to All debug display. Manual decoding: Progress indicator implemented for huge multipart decoding (> 1 MB) ############## > 22-02-2002 Usability: Skip is now removing the actual BLOCK marking. Date-Sorting: Messages with identical date are now sorted by subject. This brings the multiparts from OE into the right order and permits proper analysis of 1. MultiPart Status BugFixes (extensions) Hidden lines in XOver: -------------------------------------------- "N"ext unread message "S"kip to next unread message "INS" delete header and switch to next unread message They all do respect hidden lines now. Speedup: -------- Selecting a new groups loads the message into the XOVER-window. The analysis is now faster than before. Hashing is used for finding duplicate message-ids. The 'Threading' uses now also Hashing (to find the referenced msgid) and is much faster now. Corrupt multiparts: The MultiPart-Join detects now also illegal characters in the UU-encoded lines. (<32, >96), reports them and marks the partial message as "corrupt". This permits to find out even a lot of corrupt partial UUencoded messages and permits to reload just them from another news-server. Flags: First Rectangle indicates downloaded messages (green) & known filesnames (cyan) A blue arrow (down) indicates that the message is marked for download Second Rectangle indicates a multipart message. As a square with a slash all headers are there As a triangle headers are missing green: all bodies grey: only all headers yellow: some bodies missing - some bodies downloaded magenta: some headers missing Bugfix: Timeout during article downlaod now set to 120 secs. It was possible to use just 10 secs as "general timeout". Then timeout happened all the time what a server was a bit slower. (Newsfeeds - fix2) Temporary display of all hidden message lines --------------------------------------------- New line in the file: KEYDEF.INI: cA 266 View all hidden messages Menu: View - show all hidden lines. This activates temporary display of lines which are usually hidden. (Cancels, Recommendation, File-Follow-Ups & Multi-Part-2..n) MultiPart-Handling ------------------ The Xover-Window has now the option to hide multiparts. If this feature is activated then all (2/n) .... (n/n) are hidden. However these lines are still there - and then skipped. This takes time for analysis - so the display speed is reduced. The DATA window shows information about a multipart now. Using "Mark for download" (Key: M) in multipart hidden mode opens a dialog which shows that this will download more than one message. Then all parts are marked for download in one run. Rework of the XOVER-Window (for hidden parts): [programmers notes] ------------------------------------------------------------------- xp_flag[200] removed xp_msgid[200] removed Sharing through a firewall (reverse sharing) -------------------------------------------- A new flag in the Parameter - Sharing setup permits sharing through a firewall: "Activate sharing through firewall" This flag is off by default. The effect is that after a MyNews behind a firewall did its download from another MyNews _not_ behind a firewall, then it is 'offering' the still open connection to the other MyNews. (Server-Client relashionship is inverted then). The MyNews which gets the "offer" for the connection can now either decide to use it - or close the connection. The value "Get from others after sharing request" controls if a MyNews _wants_ to accept such sharing requests. The value ZERO (0) will deny such incoming sharing requests and close the connection. The value 1-3600 determines the time the MyNews waits before it uses the open connection for reverse downloads of headers and/or messages. The default value here is zero - which means that reverse sharing requests are rejected. Reverse sharing is sensitive to the "onlyfriends" and "notrolls" security. Reverse sharing is not done if the host is disabled or download is deactivated. In these cases the request for sharing will be denied and the connection is closed. Reverse sharing is not used by default: The user who is behind a firewall must "Activate sharing through firewall". And users who want to accept such reverse sharing must set a value into "Get from tohers after shring requests". It would be better to have this done already by default after installation - but as tunneling throug a firewall could be a security issue the features are switched off. Reverse sharing does NOT work if two parties are behind a firewall ! One party _must_ accept the first connection. Missing messages & marked for download: "Delete such a list" - and it is not found - will now set the counters for missing/marked messages to zero (hide them). In previous versions it sometimes happened that the counters indicated still marked/missing messages - but there was no file. Then the counters could be deleted (hidden) only with a restart of MyNews. Now the counters are also reset _before_ the Dialog Box appears which confirms that the counters+files has been deleted. Speed-Fix: Reader-Option "Hide cancelled messages" does no more make slow analaysis at startup. Analysis is now done also during display. BugFix: hide_good & hide_multi are now stored to disk & restored after restart. (wrong section was used for stroing in the INI file). Directory settings for decoded attachments: Previous versions of MyNews did write decoded attachments always to the subdirectory: mynews\files\ This version permits to spaceify any other directory. You specifiy the path in the MYNEWS.INI file. Examples: [default] filedir=c:\Downloaded File filedir=\\other-computer\c-drive\mynews-files Caution: If the target directory does not exist, then it will be created. If the target drive or computer or upper directory does NOT exist then the decoder will issue error-messages: "Cannot create file: ...." Build Number changed to: 10901 -> 1092 ######### > 18-02-2002 Build 1092 Config - Data - Dialog: Cleanup (was too long) MOVE: Error in XmanMoveArticle() does no longer stop the block-moving. REMOVE, MOVE: using Xslow() now. Xprogress --> Xslow (updates counters for each single message) - for slow operations ################# > 15-02-2002 Final bugfix on the vertical scrollbar for large Xover-Groups. Dragging works now again. Implemented validity check of UUencoded and MIME enoded characters. This shows which part of a multipart is corrupt (if illegal chars can be detected) Extension of limits: Number of filetypes extended to 1000. (data\filetype.txt) Default Filetypes added: *.sfv *.nfo *.rar *.par *.p01 - *.p99 *.r01 - *.r99 *.s01 - *.s99 ############ > 12-02-2002 Reader-Option: Hide multiparts (2-n): Hides all messages which are multiparts Shows still (0/n) (1/n) (1/1) Can be disturbed by (/) - a slash in brackets! ########## > 03-02-2001 For DownSpeed = 8000: Try to reduce traffic even for DSL/LAN connections (This uses theTarrfic counters which are cleared every second) Reader-Option: "Cleanup during Join (experts only) implemented ########## > 21-01-2002 AutoJoin makes now "GeneralProgress" and respects "GeneralProgressEnd" ReadBag can now be directed to a specific newsgroup. This input field overrides the data from the "Newsgroups:" Header QUickButton & Menue-Function for "CleanBags" implemented. - NOT FOR PUBLIC USE - only experimental feature ! ReadBag in CleanMode: Will now reject ALL messages with MultiPart (a/n) in the subejct line. It still aceepts (0/1) (1/1) (0/###) ############## > 15-02-2002: Xover-Window: Remove message finally works now also on blocks (caution !) Joining works now together with the CleanMode (no flag yet). Xover: BugFix: Releasing the VerticalScrollBar Button caused MyNews to jump back to the start. This should be fixed now. XMAX Amount of items in XOVER set to 150.000 (for test only - this is a mem-eater !) ############### > 14-02-2002 Expiry of free version set to 31.12.2002 ----------> Build 1090, Version 1.9